Scientific works of members of the research team
Lyudmila Mikhailovna Davidenko |
1) Economic security of industrial companies in conditions of energy transition / Evseeva S., Kasianenko E., Miller M., Davidenko L. // E3S Web of Conferences, V International Scientific Forum on Computer and Energy Sciences (WFCES 2023), D. Nazarov and A. Juraeva (Eds.), 2023. Volume 419, Almaty, Kazakhstan, May 18-19, 2023. Номер статьи 01018. E-ISSN:2267-1242. Percentile 25 Scopus; 2) Aspects of sustainable industrial growth in the face of uncertainty/ Evseeva O., Dubinenko A., Miller A., Davidenko L. // E3S Web of Conferences, V International Scientific Forum on Computer and Energy Sciences (WFCES 2023), D. Nazarov and A. Juraeva (Eds.), 2023. Volume 419, Almaty, Kazakhstan, May 18-19, 2023. Номер статьи 01021, РР. 1-13. E-ISSN: 2267-1242. Percentile 25 Scopus; 3) Technological challenges in the economy of the oil and gas sector / Evseeva O., Shymchenko A., Miller A., Davidenko L. // E3S Web of Conferences, V International Scientific Forum on Computer and Energy Sciences (WFCES 2023), D. Nazarov and A. Juraeva (Eds.), 2023. Volume 419, Almaty, Kazakhstan, May 18-19, 2023. Номер статьи 01020. DOI: E-ISSN:2267-1242. Percentile 25 Scopus; 4) Development Prospects of Technological Integration: Regional Perspective / Kuznetsov S. V., Miller A. E., Davidenko L. M. // Studies on Russian Economic Development, 2019. – Vol. 30. – No. 1. – РР. 15 - 21. – DOI: 10.1134/S1075700719010106; 5) Technological Parameters of the HR Management System in the Conditions of Digitalization / A. Miller, L. Davidenko, Yu. Deryabi // Monograph Scopus «Global Challenges of Digital Transformation of Markets», Volume II / Elena de la Poza, Sergey E. Barykin. – Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2022. – Chapter 2. – РР. 11-23. – ISBN: 978-1-68507-989-5. – DOI: –; 6) Economic and Information Support of Technological Integration with the use of “Green” Traffic Flows / Miller M., Davidenko L. // Transportation Research Procedia: XII International Conference on Transport Infrastructure: Territory Development and Sustainability (TITDS-XII). Edited by Igor Kovalev, Andrey Khomenko. – Volume 61, 2022, PР. 715-718. –, 7) Трансформация ESG-инструментария оценки устойчивого развития / Miller A.E., Davidenko L.M. // Bulletin of Omsk University. The series "Economics". – 2023. – Vol. 21, No. 1. – pp. 16-24. – DPI 10.24147/1812-3988.2023.21(1) .16-24, third quarter. |
Alexey Anatolyevich Titkov |
1) Strategic Priorities for the Development of Intellectual Potential of Developing Countries in the Context of Constructing an Innovative Economy /Laura K. Sanaliyeva, Liudmila P. Goncharenko, Saule A. Rakhimova, Alexey A. Titkov, Saule K. Kunyazova // PUBLIC POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION 2021, T 20, Nr. 3/2021, Vol. 20, Nr. 3, p. 474-483, ISSN 1648-2603 (print);, ISSN 2029-2872 (online) 2) Development of an economic mechanism for creating sustainable regional infrastructure for supporting small businesses / Rakhimova, S., Goncharenko, L., Titkov, A., Sybachin, S., Kunanbaeva, K. // E3S Web of Conferences, 2021, 258, 06063 3) The smart city concept as a strategy for managing the infrastructure of a single-industry town / Kunanbaeva, K., Rahimova, S., Titkov, A., Goncharenko, L. E3S Web of Conferences, 2020, 164, 03049. – |
Zulfiya Amangeldinovna Arynova |
Saule Kairbekovna Kunyazova |
1) Экономиканы цифрландыру жағдайында адами капиталды дамыту Monograph / S. K. Kunyazova. – Pavlodar: Toraighyrov University, 2023. – 107 р. ISBN 978-601-345-436-8; 2) Экономиканың трансформациясы жағдайында халықты жұмыспен қамтуды қамтамасыз ету контекстіндегі еңбек нарығы экономикасының мəні мен рөлі/ A.N. Beisembina, S.K. Kunyazova, A.J. Bukharbayeva, A.T. Sultanov, R.K. Aitmanbetova // The Bulletin of the academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2023. – 1 (401), рр.316-325.; 3) Human capital of the innovative economy of Kazakhstan / A.N. Beisembina, S.K. Kunyazova, A.A. Nurgalieva, E.K. Kunyazov// Bulletin of the Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade. - No. 1. – 2023. - pp. 104-112,; 4) Development of a methodology for assessing the impact of the human potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan on economic development, innovation entrepreneurship and de-dollarization processes/ Titkov A.A., Nurgalieva A.A., Kunyazova S.K.// Bulletin of the University "Turan". – 2016. pp. 48-56, |
Maral Akbaevna Amirova |
1) Energy Efficiency as a Factor of Sustainable Development in Kazakhstan. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2020, 10 (1), 325-330. ISSN: 2146-4553. Scopus. DOI:; 2) Social Investing as Tool to Improve the Quality of Life. Implications for the Sustainable Development and Environmental Vulnerability. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, Volume XIV, Issue 3(67) Summer 2023. DOI:; 3) Состояние и перспективы экономики сельских территорий Павлодарской области в контексте устойчивого развития // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2021(1), рр. 208-216; 4) Информационно-консультационное обеспечение агропромышленного комплекса // Theoretical and scientific-practical journal "Problems of the agricultural market" No. 4 October-December, 2019, pp. 93-101. 5) Strategic planning as an instrument of the State planning system in the Republic of Kazakhstan // "Bulletin of Karaganda University", Economics Series, No. 1 (93), 2019, pp. 199-207. |
Nurzhanat Mukhtarovna Sherimova |
1) Сущность и особенности инновационного управления. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, 4 (326) July-August 2019, pp.59-66, ISSN 2224-5394; 2) Mechanism for managing innovative activity of business structures in the industrial sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, room 2, 2022; 3) Analytical Assessment of Innovative Management of the Industrial Sector in the Context of Digitization // Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2022) 11:53 |
Ansagan Nygmetovna Beisembina |
1) Investing in Human Capital for Green and Sustainable Development / Beisembina А.N., Gizzatova A., Kunyazov Ye.K., Ernazarov T.Ya., Mashrapov N.K., Dontsov S.S. // Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, Volume XIV, Issue 5(69), 2023 DOI:; 2) «Electronic government» in the public administration system // Nurgaliyeva А., Kenzhetayeva G., Shafeyeva L., Akhmetova D., Beisembina А / Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2021(5), рр.82-89; 3) Человеческий капитал инновационной экономики казахстана // Beisembina A.N., Kunyazova S.K., Nurgalieva A.A., Kunyazov E.K. / Bulletin of Economics, Finance and International Trade of the Kazakh University, 2023 ‒ №1 (50), рр. 104-111; 4) The essence and role of the labor market economy in the context of employment provision in the conditions of economic transformation // Beisembina А., Kunyazova S., Bukharbayeva A., Sultanov A., Aitmanbetova R. / Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2023 (1), рр.316-324; 5) Conceptual foundations of food security management in the region // А. N. Beisembina / Bulletin of Toraigyrov University, Economic series, No. 3, 2023, рр. 6-18; 6) Кадрларды іріктеу үшін ақпараттық жүйені іске асыру // Назымбек Ә. Н., Токжигитова Н. К. / XIV Toraigyrovskie chteniya ( young scientists) - Volume 3, 2022, pp. 631-342. 7) World experience shows that the development of social infrastructure is a key indicator of the success of a highly developed country // A. Nurgaliyeva, A. Beisembina, L. Shafeeva, V. Yesmagzam, B. Tursynbek / Journal of science. Lyon VOL.2, №26 2021, 3-5. |
Aliya Zhanybekovna Kuniyazova |
1) Даму ерекшеліктері бар балаларды қолдаудың қаржылық аспектілері // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 403 №3, Almaty, 2023 –pp. 507-518; 2) О состоянии и вкладе Торайгыров университета в развитие экономики Павлодарской области // Bulletin of Toraighyrov University. Economic series. No. 1. – Pavlodar, 2022. – pp. 90-100; 3) Қазіргі таңда агроөнеркәсіп өндірісінде инновациялық үрдістерді бейімдеу // Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Economy of modern Kazakhstan: problems and prospects of development", dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Academician of the National Academy of Higher School of Economics, Academician of the International Economic Academy of Eurasia, Doctor of Economics, Professor Gulnar Dugalova. - Astana, 2019. – pp. 78-81; 4) Басқару жүйесінде бақылаудың рөлі және орны // Bulletin of Toraighyrov University. Economic series. No. 4. – Pavlodar, 2019. – pp. 80-86. |
List of scientific publications in the framework of the project
Государственная поддержка экологических проектов компаний.pdf
Продвижение экологического брендинга промышленного комплекса региона.pdf
Управленческие подходы к решению экологических проблем (кейс ТОО «Экотранслогистик»).pdf
Экобрендинг, как фактор инвестиционной привлекательности региона.pdf
Давиденко Л.М., Миллер А.Е. Омская гуманитарная академия ноябрь 2023.pdf
Siberian University of Consumer Cooperatives Protopopov Readings March 2024.pdf
Beisembina A.N., Davidenko L.M., Karpov V.V., Titkov A.A., Kuniyazova A.Zh.
Vorushin Ya.D., Davidenko L.M. Toraighyrov Readings 2024.pdf
Davidenko L.M., Zhunusova D.B., Pyatnitskaya A.A. Toraighyrov Readings 2024.pdf
Foos M.A., Shaismailov D.A., Davidenko L.M. Toraighyrov Readings 2024.pdf
Snezhko E.D., Aspanova K.B., Davidenko L.M. Toraighyrov Readings 2024.pdf
Proceedings of the International Conference Belgorod May 22 2024.pdf
Davidenko L.M., Miller A.E. Razrabotka principov realizacii.pdf
Davidenko L.M., Davidenko Ye.V. Innovative Approaches to Environmental.pdf
Davidenko L.M., Miller M.A. Ekobrending promyshlennoj produkcii.pdf
Titkov A.A., Davidenko L.M. Innovacionnoe razvitie promyshlennosti.pdf
Economic Aspects of Sustainable Development Eco-Branding.pdf
Arynova Z.A., Davidenko L.M. Problematic aspects of assessing.pdf
Articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals
Davidenko L. M., Titkov A. A., Karpov V. V., Miller M. A. Development of the concept of platform greening of production based on indicators of socio-ecological development // Bulletin of Toraighyrov University. Economic series. – 2024. – № 1. – Рр. 46-58. – – ISSN 2710-3552.
The industrial economy is at the stage of technological development focused on the «green» transformation of management subsystems. Modern industrial companies function in the format of platform interaction, organising the production process with the active implementation of digital twins, including in environmental priorities of tracking «transparent» raw material flows, depth of processing, «lean» production. In this regard, conceptual approaches of platform greening of production become in demand. The development of the concept is seen in the formation of a set of «green» tools to support the related processes of production and realisation of high-tech products demanded by the market. The concept is based on the indicators of socio-ecological development and consumer sensitivity to environmental protection, including «green» certification of export products. Platform greening of production as an opportunity to adapt management approaches for economic entities seeking to take leading positions in domestic and foreign markets is defined as the object of research. It is shown that the greening of production should take into account the factors of transformation of the institutional environment, which has a direct impact on the system of ESG-transformation. The study revealed that the indicators of socio-environmental development can adjust the strategy of «green» economy. It can change the environmental policy of industrial companies. In parallel, the progressiveness of enterprise management, as well as the level of innovativeness of organizational and management structures can increase.
Kunyazova S., Kunjazov Ye., Karimbergenova M., Karimbergenova M., Amirova M., Kunyazova A. Prospects of investing in «green» instruments to support ecological production in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Bulletin of Toraighyrov University. Economic series. – 2024. – № 1. – Рр. 84-97. – 10.48081/MPHT7388. – ISSN 2710-3552.
This article identifies the prospects for financing green technologies in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the light of global challenges related to climate change and sustainable development, the introduction of green technologies is becoming a necessity. Financing of green technologies plays a key role in their development and scaling. The Republic of Kazakhstan has the potential to develop such technologies, including renewable energy, energy efficient technologies, waste management and others. In addition, Kazakhstan actively participates in international initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to environmentally friendly energy sources. The discussion of the prospects for financing green technologies in the Republic of Kazakhstan is of great importance from the point of view of environmental sustainability, economic development and participation in global initiatives to combat climate change.
The sources of financing of green technologies in the world and domestic practice are identified as the object of the study. The advantages and challenges of financing green technologies are shown. The study revealed that the development of green technologies through financing has great potential and prospects, especially in the context of combating climate change and ensuring sustainable development. The authors have identified the key areas of financing green technologies in the near future.
Developing technology and promoting eco-branding by increasing the value of human capital / Davidenko L.М., Beisembina А.N., Kunyazova S.K., Karimbergenova М.K., Sherimova N.M., Kuniyazova A.Zh. // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2023. – 404(4), рр. 404–418.,
The connection of the development and promotion of eco-branding with the public perception of ecological culture is analyzed. The ways of increasing human capital in the formation of an "ecological brand" of clean production are considered. The results of the study can be used to assess the conditions for the promotion of branding of Kazakhstani human resources, the development of digital skills and competencies. Effective mechanisms of eco-branding should transform the labor market, give impetus to an increase in citizens' incomes due to the growth of professionalism, competencies, the realization of the scientific potential of young people, which will affect the disclosure of the economic potential of Kazakhstan's regions.
Davidenko L.М., Kunyazova S.K., Amirova M.A., Arynova Z.A., Ernazarov T.Ya., Bakpayeva A.K. Resource support of eco-branding of industrial companies (Kazakhstan and foreign experience) // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 405(5). рр. 398-418. ISSN 1991-3494.
The object of the study was the complex processes of transformation of the traditional economy into a green economy in developed countries and the Concept of the "green economy" of the Republic of Kazakhstan, aimed at improving the efficiency of resource use and promoting new technologies to ensure sustainable growth. The resource support of ecological branding at industrial enterprises of European countries is investigated. A generalization of institutional, regulatory, and programmatic elements contributing to the development of a green economy is presented. The results of the research can be used in the development of mechanisms for improving institutional conditions for the resource provision of environmental branding for the sustainable development of the economy. The importance of environmental initiatives as a global trend can improve the work of international corporations and optimize the transformation of production processes and consumption patterns in order to reduce environmental pollution and increase the efficiency of the use of resources, materials and energy.
Davidenko L., Sherimova N., Kunyazova S., Amirova M., Beisembina A. Sustainable Economy: The Eco-Branding of an Industrial Region in Kazakhstan. Sustainability. 2024; 16(1):413. ISSN (electronic) 2071-1050.
Characteristics of the peer-reviewed scientific publication «Sustainability»: 1) Web of Science: Green & Sustainable Science & Technology – in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) edition - Q3; Environmental Sciences - in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) edition - Q2, Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) edition - Q3; 2)Scopus: CiteScore 2021:5,0; CiteScore 2022:5,8; CiteScoreTracker 2023:6,6. Social Sciences: Geography, Planning and Development - Quartile 1, Percentile 2021:86, 2022:87; Environmental Science: Environmental Science (miscellaneous) - Quartile 2, Percentile 2021:85, 2022:83; Environmental Science: Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law - Quartile 2, Percentile 2021:75, 2022:74.
Kunyazova S. K., Kunyazov E. K., Davidenko L. M., Karimbergenova M. K., Kuniyazova A. Zh. Mekhanizmy «Zelenoj» integracii dlya prodvizheniya ekologicheskogo brendinga promyshlennogo kompleksa regiona [Mechanisms of «green» integration to promote the ecological branding of the industrial complex of the region] // Bulletin of Toraighyrov University. Economic series. – 2024. – № 2. – РР. 235-248. – – ISSN 2710-3552.
In modern conditions, consumers are increasingly focused on environmentally friendly and sustainable products and services. The introduction of «green» technologies, optimization of resource use and waste management can bring economic benefits to the company in the form of cost reduction, increased production efficiency and reduced risks. The authors have studied the ways in which industrial complexes can integrate environmental aspects into their activities to improve their brand. The article discusses various mechanisms of «green» integration, such as the development of an «investment» passport and «green» financing, which contribute to creating a positive image of the company in the eyes of consumers and the public. The authors analyze examples of successful practice and determine the prospects for the development of «green» integration and the introduction of «investment» passports into financial practices. The application of the «Investment passport can be aimed at standardization, efficiency assessment, technology innovation and risk management, which contributes to the development of «green» finance and sustainable development of the economy as a whole. This vision is justified by the desire of manufacturers to anticipate the demands of a new generation of consumers, who are aimed at maintaining optimal parameters of «eco-consumption». The study revealed that for the development of the «green» investment market, it is necessary to increase the level of environmental awareness, take government incentives to implement Kazakhstan’s energy transition to a low-carbon economy.
In the sustainable economy, consumer preferences are gradually beginning to prioritize environmentally friendly products and services. A sustainable economy is directly linked to the growth of consumer welfare and the environmental culture. The success of environmental projects is largely determined by approaches to the management of complex interconnected objects, which operate in developed industrial regions. In this regard, we formulate the purpose of this study, which is to generalize approaches to and to improve the mechanisms of the ecological branding of the industrial complex of a region through conscious ESG transformation. For this purpose, we have studied the statistics and principles of the management systems of Kazakhstani companies and their stakeholders. The focus was on the Pavlodar industrial region, where metallurgical production, petrochemicals, the agro-industrial sector, the banking sector, and logistics hubs are developed. The vision and the mechanisms that can influence the development of the export potential of products with an “ecological brand” were studied. A survey of export-oriented organizations helped to identify the behavioral attributes of the “new generation eco-consumer”, namely, a conscious desire to reduce the negative impact of production and economic activities on the environment. The theoretical significance of this study helps to reveal the influence of the ecological principles of the organization of modern production on the speed of transition to green technologies. Its practical significance is seen in the formation of a system for measuring the level of readiness of companies to promote the ecological branding of a region’s industry outside its country.
Davidenko L., Titkov A., Sherimova N., Beisembina A. Economic Aspects of Sustainable Development: Eco-Branding in Manufacturing Enterprises from Kazakhstan // Sustainability (Switzerland), 2025, 17(1), 36, Рр. 2-28, ISSN 2071-1050 (electronic).
Characteristics of a peer-reviewed scientific publication «Sustainability (Switzerland)»: 1) Web of Science: Green & Sustainable Science & Technology – in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) edition - Q3; Environmental Sciences - in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) edition - Q2, Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) edition - Q3; 2)Scopus: CiteScore 2021:5,0; CiteScore 2022:5,8; CiteScore 2023:6,6; CiteScoreTracker 2024:6,6. Social Sciences: Geography, Planning and Development - Quartile 1, Percentile 2021:86, 2022:87, 2023:88; Environmental Science: Environmental Science (miscellaneous) - Quartile 2, Percentile 2021:85, 2022:83, 2023:83; Environmental Science: Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law - Quartile 2, Percentile 2021:75, 2022:74, 2023:77.
Economic science provides a rich methodological toolkit for sustainable development combined with the principles of the circular economy and green marketing. The practical adaptation of a set of assessment tools helped the realisation of the goal of this study in the form of the systematisation of interaction factors between economic growth and environmental branding of industrial companies in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Descriptive models were used to assess the economic and technological state of enterprises and to analyse the effectiveness of capital investments for the implementation of green technology projects and social environmental investments. In the course of research of the population’s requests to manufacturers of industrial products, it was found out that the requirements to the environmental characteristics of finished products have increased, and the price of ecological products is of concern. Producers and end consumers can be brought closer together through eco-branding, creation of special platforms for green integration participants. To unlock the reserves of economic growth, it is proposed that green investment flows with the participation of industrial capital should be intensified in order to increase investments in the eco-cultural transformation of eco-consumers of the new generation.
Conference materials
Davidenko L.M., Miller A.E. Ustoichivoe sosiälno-ekonomicheskoe razvitie regionov: ekologicheskie aspekty (Sustainable socio-economic development of regions: environmental aspects) // Sosiälno-ekonomicheskoe razvitie regionov v usloviah sifrovoi transformasii. Mejdunarodnaia nauchno-prakticheskaia konferensia (Socio-economic development of regions in the context of digital transformation. International scientific and practical conference); November 30 – December 1, 2023: collection of articles in 2 hours - Part 2 / edited by Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor O. V. Sergienko. – Omsk: Omsk State University Publishing House, 2024. – 222 p. – P. 46-50. - ISBN 978-5-98566-240-5; ISBN 978-5-98566-242-9 (Part 2).
Davidenko L.M., Foos M.A., Shaismailov D.A. Proryvnye tekhnologii ekobrendinga proizvoditelej kazahstanskoj produkcii (Breakthrough technologies for eco-branding of manufacturers of Kazakhstan products) // Materials of the International Scientific Conference “XXIV Satpayev Readings”, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Academician Kanysh Satpayev. – Pavlodar: Toraighyrov University, 2024. ISBN 978-601-345-523-5 (general) T. 7 “Students”. – 2024. – 614 p. – PP. 278-282. – ISBN 978-601-345-516-7 (Vol. 7).
Davidenko L.M., Mustafin A.B. ESG strategies negіzіnde clusterler kurylymdarynyn ekonomikalyk osuіn taldau zhane bolzhau (Analysis and forecasting of economic growth of cluster structures based on ESG strategy) // Materials of the International Scientific Conference “XXIV Satpayev Readings”, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of academician Kanysh Satpayev. - Pavlodar: Toraighyrov University, 2024. – ISBN 978-601-345-523-5 (general) T. 12 “Young scientists”. – 488 p. – PР. 309-313. – ISBN 978-601-345-511-2 (Vol. 12).
Davidenko L.M. Vyzovy ESG-transformacii v celyah ustojchivogo razvitiya regionov (Challenges of ESG transformation for the purpose of sustainable development of regions) // Collection of materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Economy of the 21st Century”, Novosibirsk (December 7-8, 2023), Part 1, general. ed. O.A. Chistyakova ANOO VO Central Union of the Russian Federation “SibUPK”, Novosibirsk, 2023. – 327 p. – P. 18-23. - ISBN 978-5-334-00308-8 (part 1) ISBN 978-5-334-00307-1.
Davidenko L. M., Miller A. E., Beisembina A. N. Technological Integration of Environmentally Friendly Industries as a Factor of ESG Transformation // Finance, Economics, and Industry for Sustainable Development / In: Rumyantseva A., Anyigba H., Sintsova E., Vasilenko N. V. (eds). – ECOOP 1987. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, 2024. – Springer, Cham. – PP. 367–376. – – ISSN 2198-7246. – E-ISSN 2198-7254.
Davidenko L. M., Miller M. A., Sherimova N. M. Technologies of Eco-Branding of the Region’s Industrial Complex // Finance, Economics, and Industry for Sustainable Development / In: Rumyantseva A., Anyigba H., Sintsova E., Vasilenko N. V. (eds). – ECOOP 1987. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, 2024. – Springer, Cham. – pp 413–423. – – ISSN 2198-7246. – E-ISSN 2198-7254.
Patrushev A.A., Amirova M.A. Chto takoe ESG i perspektivy ego razvitiya v Kazahstane (What is ESG and its development prospects in Kazakhstan) // Sovremennyj menedzhment: problemy i perspektivy (Modern management: problems and prospects): collection of articles based on the results of the XVIII national scientific and practical conference with international participation. St. Petersburg, September 28–29, 2023 / ed. Doctor of Economics sciences, prof. E.A. Gorbashko, Doctor of Economics. sciences, prof. I.V. Fedoseeva. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State Economic University, 2023. – 539 p. – pp. 103-106. - ISBN 978-5-7310-6262-6.
Davidenko L. M. Priorities of investment in eco-branding technologies of industrial companies of the BRICS countries // BRICS countries: development strategies and mechanisms of cooperation in a changing world: proceedings of the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference (5-7 June 2024): in 2 parts. Ch. 2 / ed. by M. A. Bulavina, V. I. Gerasimov. - Moscow: Publishing House UMC, 2024. - 590 с. - ISBN 978-5-6051774-7-0. - Part 2. - ISBN 978-5-6051774-9-4. - Р. 72-76.-
Problemy ekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti: ot strukturnoj adaptacii k ekonomicheskomu rostu: monografiya (Problems of economic security: from structural adaptation to economic growth: monograph) / edited by A.V. Karpushkina / Davidenko L.M., Beisembina A.N., Miller A.E., Miller M.A. Section 4.11. Razrabotka indikatorov social'no-ekologicheskogo razvitiya v celyah ekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti promyshlennogo kompleksa regiona (Development of indicators of socio-ecological development for the purposes of economic security of the industrial complex of the region). - Chelyabinsk: Publishing center of SUSU, 2024. - Part 2. - 393 p. - P. 253-263. - ISBN 978-5-696-05464-3 (part 2). - ISBN 978-5-696-05463-6.
Baykhanova D. A., Davidenko L. M., Shamrai I. N. Ecological branding as a factor in the investment attractiveness of cross-border regions // International youth scientific readings named after professor N. N. Protopopov: collection of materials (Novosibirsk, March 13-14, 2024). Part 1 / [edited by E. A. Novoselova]; ANO VO Centrosoyuz RF «Siberian University of Consumer Cooperatives». - Novosibirsk, 2024. - PP. 15-17. - 406 p. – ISBN 978-5-334-00317-0 (part 1). – ISBN 978-5-334-00316-3.
Beisembina A.N., Davidenko L.M., Karpov V.V., Titkov A.A., Kuniyazova A.Zh. Mekhanizmy realizacii «zelenoj» integracii s privlecheniem kompanij, gosudarstvennyh organov i bankovskih uchrezhdenij, vklyuchaya chlenov Nacional'nogo ESG kluba [Mechanisms for the implementation of “green” integration with the involvement of companies, government agencies and banking institutions, including members of the National ESG Club] // Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference “XVI Toraighyrov Readings”. – Pavlodar: Toraighyrov University, 2024. – ISBN 978-601-345-585-3 (general). – Т. 4. – 2024. – 519 р. – ISBN 978-601-345-581-5. – Р. 60-68.
Vorushin Ya.D., Davidenko L.M. Brending: osobennosti realizacii gotovoj produkcii i ekologicheskaya ustojchivost' [Branding: Features of Finished Product Sales and Environmental Sustainability] // Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference “XVI Toraighyrov Readings”. – Pavlodar: Toraighyrov University, 2024. – ISBN 978-601-345-585-3 (general). – Т. 4. – 2024. – 519 р. – ISBN 978-601-345-581-5.– Р. 68-72.
Davidenko L.M., Sherimova N.M., Foos M.A., Shaismailov D.A. Prodvizhenie kazahstanskih ekologicheskih brendov: problemy i perspektivy [Promotion of Kazakhstani ecological brands: problems and prospects] // Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference “XVI Toraighyrov Readings”. – Pavlodar: Toraighyrov University, 2024. – ISBN 978-601-345-585-3 (general). – Т. 4. – 2024. – 519 р. – ISBN 978-601-345-581-5.– Р. 73-80.
Davidenko L.M., Zhunusova D.B., Pyatnitskaya A.A. Ekologicheskij brending global'nyh kompanij (na primere AO «Laboratoriya Kasperskogo») [Ecological branding of global companies (on the example of JSC Kaspersky Lab)] // Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference “XVI Toraighyrov Readings”. – Pavlodar: Toraighyrov University, 2024. – ISBN 978-601-345-585-3 (general). – Т. 4. – 2024. – 519 р. – ISBN 978-601-345-581-5.– Р. 81-85.
Snezhko E.D., Aspanova K.B., Davidenko L.M. Ekologicheskie aspekty brendovoj produkcii na kazahstanskom rynke (opyt TOO «H&M Kazahstan») [Environmental aspects of branded products on the Kazakhstan market (experience of H&M Kazakhstan LLP)] // Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference “XVI Toraighyrov Readings”. – Pavlodar: Toraighyrov University, 2024. – ISBN 978-601-345-585-3 (general). – Т. 4. – 2024. – 519 р. – ISBN 978-601-345-581-5.– Р. 155-159.
Davidenko L.M., Shamrai I.N. Ustojchivoe razvitie: opyt ucheta ESG-faktorov v usloviyah platformennoj ekologizacii [Sustainable development: experience of taking into account ESG factors in the context of platform greening] // The Role of Universities in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: Proceedings of the International Conference, Belgorod, May 22, 2024. - Belgorod: Published by Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law, 2024. - 326 p. - P. 296-302. ISBN 978-5-8231-1189-8.
Amirova M.A. Ocenivanie ekologicheskoj effektivnosti deyatel'nosti predpriyatij [Evaluation of environmental performance of enterprises] // Sovremennyj menedzhment: problemy i perspektivy: Sbornik statej po itogam XIX Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [Modern management: problems and prospects: Collection of articles based on the results of the XIX International scientific and practical conference], Saint Petersburg, September 26–27, 2024. – Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, 2024. – 697 p. – Р. 9-14. - ISBN 978-5-7310-6558-0. – EDN AOAKHP. – eLIBRARY ID: 76090457.
Davidenko L.M., Davidenko Ye.V. Innovative Approaches to Environmental Branding in SMEs (International Experience) // Sovremennyj menedzhment: problemy i perspektivy: Sbornik statej po itogam XIX Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [Modern management: problems and prospects: Collection of articles based on the results of the XIX International scientific and practical conference], Saint Petersburg, September 26–27, 2024. – Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, 2024. – 697 p. – P. 273-276. – ISBN 978-5-7310-6558-0. – EDN XHRCKB. – eLIBRARY ID: 76089849.
Davidenko L.M., Miller A.E. Razrabotka principov realizacii tekhnologii ekologicheskogo brendinga promyshlennogo kompleksa regiona [Development of principles for the implementation of environmental branding technology for the regional industrial complex] // Sovremennyj menedzhment: problemy i perspektivy: Sbornik statej po itogam XIX Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [Modern management: problems and prospects: Collection of articles based on the results of the XIX International scientific and practical conference], Saint Petersburg, September 26–27, 2024. – Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, 2024. – 697 p. – Р. 281-285. – ISBN 978-5-7310-6558-0. – EDN WBUJGP. – eLIBRARY ID: 76090945.
Davidenko L.M., Miller M.A. Ekobrending promyshlennoj produkcii: struktura cifrovogo spravochnika-putevoditelya dlya uchastnikov «zelenoj» integracii [Eco-branding of industrial products: the structure of a digital guidebook for participants in «green» integration] // Sovremennyj menedzhment: problemy i perspektivy: Sbornik statej po itogam XIX Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [Modern management: problems and prospects: Collection of articles based on the results of the XIX International scientific and practical conference], Saint Petersburg, September 26–27, 2024. – Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, 2024. – 697 p. – Р. 276-280. – ISBN 978-5-7310-6558-0. – EDN POBXJC. – eLIBRARY ID: 76090922.
Titkov A.A., Davidenko L.M. Innovacionnoe razvitie promyshlennosti v Respublike Kazahstan na principah platformennoj ekologizacii proizvodstv [Innovative development of industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the principles of platform greening of production] // Sovremennyj menedzhment: problemy i perspektivy: Sbornik statej po itogam XIX Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [Modern management: problems and prospects: Collection of articles based on the results of the XIX International scientific and practical conference], Saint Petersburg, September 26–27, 2024. – Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, 2024. – 697 p. – Р. 368-372. – ISBN 978-5-7310-6558-0. - EDN DOXQZP. - eLIBRARY ID: 76091027.
Davidenko L.M., Shamray I.N., Titkov A.A., Elovskaya М.А. Ekologicheskij brending v usloviyah transgranichnoj ekonomiki: principy i mekhanizmy realizacii [Environmental branding in a cross-border economy: principles and mechanisms of implementation] // Vestnik Akademii znanij [Bulletin of the Academy of Knowledge]. – 2024. – № 6(65). – Р. 309-315. – ISSN 2304-6139 (print), ISSN 2687-0983 (online). It is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.
This paper analyzes the mechanisms for promoting an effective environmental branding policy for companies operating in border regions of Kazakhstan and Russia. In order to systematize the fundamental approaches to developing an effective environmental branding policy, advanced literature in the field of sustainable economics is reviewed. By analyzing and synthesizing research data and assessing the economic situation of an integrated company from Kazakhstan, a model of environmental branding is considered that links the main operational and sales processes. Conclusions are made that it is necessary to activate environmental branding mechanisms, which will effectively implement the principles of sustainable development of companies that are linked to each other by a technological chain, unite the economy, and form an environmental culture of neighboring regions and the world community.
Davidenko L.M., Sherimova N.M., Miller A.E., Miller M.A. Upravlenie ekosistemoj «zelenoj» integracii promyshlennyh predpriyatij v usloviyah cifrovoj ekonomiki [Management of the ecosystem of «green» integration of industrial enterprises in the conditions of the digital economy] // Bulletin of Toraighyrov University. Economic series. – 2024. – № 4. – Р. 145-158. – – ISSN 2710-3552.
In the near future, the economy of the industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its partners will determine the country's position in the market of high-tech products. «Green» transformation of socio-economic systems, caused by the global trend of sustainable development, requires modern companies to transform in the field of ecosystem approach. Due to the challenges of the digital economy, the openness of the business community, the desire for balanced consumption of energy resources and circulation, it becomes relevant to develop scientific and methodological approaches to manage the ecosystem of «green» integration with the participation of industrial companies, financial institutions, government agencies. The ecosystem of «green» integration of industrial enterprises is defined as the object of the study. The subject of the study is focused on the interaction of structural elements of the ecosystem and the systematisation of economic factors that determine the interaction of participants of «green» integration. The study reveals that green integration should take into account environmental initiatives, financial well-being and consumer preferences, as well as ESG-transformation of national economy sectors. The conclusion is made about the innovativeness of digital governance, practical adaptation of integration tools in the form of a digital guidebook and investment passport. At the same time, the importance of unifying the algorithm of access to the bank of «green» technologies, creation of common information platforms for mutually beneficial exchange of information on the production and sale of environmentally friendly products is emphasised.
Davidenko L.M. Evaluation of investment objectives in the realization of eco-brending technology by companies from Kazakhstan // Management of Innovation and Investment Processes and Changes in Modern Conditions: Collection of Materials of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference. St. Petersburg, October 24-25, 2024. In three parts, part II / edited by Dr. of Economics, Professor G.L. Bagiev, Dr. of Economics, Professor A.G. Bezdudnaya, Dr. of Economics, Assoc. Prof. M.G. Treiman. - SPb: Publishing house of SPbGEU, 2024. - 391 p. - P. 276-281. EDN: EZTJHC. ISBN 978-5-7310-6553-5 (part II) ISBN 978-5-7310-6551-1.
Arynova Z.A., Davidenko L.M. Problematic aspects of assessing the level of environmental responsibility of industrial enterprises // Management of Innovation and Investment Processes and Changes in Modern Conditions: Collection of Materials of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference. St. Petersburg, October 24-25, 2024. In three parts, part II / edited by Dr. of Economics, Professor G.L. Bagiev, Dr. of Economics, Professor A.G. Bezdudnaya, Dr. of Economics, Assoc. Prof. M.G. Treiman. - SPb: Publishing house of SPbGEU, 2024. - 391 p. - P. 242-249. EDN: EZTJHC. ISBN 978-5-7310-6553-5 (part II) ISBN 978-5-7310-6551-1.
Davidenko L.M., Karpov V.V. Formation of an ecosystem of «green» integration of industrial enterprises in cross-border regions // Management of Innovation and Investment Processes and Changes in Modern Conditions: Collection of Materials of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference. St. Petersburg, October 24-25, 2024. In three parts, part II / edited by Dr. of Economics, Professor G.L. Bagiev, Dr. of Economics, Professor A.G. Bezdudnaya, Dr. of Economics, Assoc. Prof. M.G. Treiman. - SPb: Publishing house of SPbGEU, 2024. - 391 p. - P. 270-275. EDN: EZTJHC. ISBN 978-5-7310-6553-5 (part II) ISBN 978-5-7310-6551-1.
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