Analysis of foreign experience of early professional self-determination of students in various countries (examples of the USA, Canada, Germany, England and Hong Kong):
A country
The purpose of early professional self-determination of students
Areas of work |
Content |
Helping students identify their career interests and goals, providing them with the necessary tools and resources to make informed decisions about their future |
“Career Guidance” or Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Vocational courses are offered in areas such as healthcare, information technology, engineering, hotel business, automotive manufacturing, construction and others to help students gain the necessary skills and experience. The program includes academic training, practical training, internships, mentoring programs, certification programs |
Consultations and advice from professional consultants and teachers
Assistance in exploring different career paths, analyzing your interests and skills, navigating the labor market and the requirements of various professions
Special classes or courses, online platforms, events and career fairs
Career development, familiarization with professions and universities, communication with their representatives
Advanced Placement (AP) Programs
More complex and specialized courses |
Helping students make informed career decisions and effectively prepare for future professional challenges |
Career Education Program
Helping students identify their interests, talents, and career goals. Includes career guidance, practical training, visits to colleges and universities, interaction with representatives of various professions and industries |
School course “Career Education”
Introduced at different levels of education. Assistance in studying various professions, their requirements and opportunities, developing the skills necessary in the chosen field
Collaboration with local colleges, universities, businesses and organizations
Providing students with real work experience and practical skills (internships, mentoring programs, participation in projects and competitions, volunteering)
Career consultants and advisors
Assistance in defining professional goals and choosing suitable educational programs
Dual Credit program
Obtaining both school and college education, acquisition of practical skills and knowledge in the chosen field |
Assisting students in identifying their professional interests and choosing an appropriate educational path |
Career guidance work
In elementary school: introduction to various professions, discussion of interests and preferences
In primary school and gymnasium: providing information about various professions, conducting excursions to enterprises and educational institutions, organizing meetings with representatives of various professions
Professional school
Various professional areas, including technical, economic, medical and other specializations. Receiving specialized professional education + practical training or internships in companies. |
Helping students make informed decisions about their career paths and providing them with the support and resources to achieve their goals |
"Career Guidance"
Providing support and information about a variety of career opportunities for students aged 12 to 18
Career consultations
Individual sessions and group sessions to help, students understand
Resources and information
Access to a wide range of resources and information about various professions, educational institutions, vacancies and requirements for various career paths (visiting colleges, universities, attracting specialists from various industries and using online platforms)
Preparing for work
Assistance in developing the skills needed to start working (CV development, interview preparation, mastering communication and collaboration skills, providing internship and internship opportunities)
Cooperation with employers
Providing opportunities for internships, mentoring or participation in projects with the business community |
Hong Kong
Helping students make informed career choices and build a successful career that matches their individual interests and goals. Students have the opportunity to explore their interests, passions, values and skills so they can make informed decisions about their future career path. |
Work Orientation and Placement Scheme (WOPS)
Undertaking practical work and gaining work experience in various industries. Professional training and consultations to help students in self-determination and planning their future career. Introduction to different professions, visiting businesses and participating in activities related to the work
Cooperation between schools and colleges and industry
Organization of internships and events |
A survey of stakeholders in the process of professional self-determination of students in the system of general secondary education was conducted. The data was presented by A. A. Kudysheva at the plenary meeting of the Academic Methodological Association of Republican Educational and Methodological Council on teacher education at the Abai KazNPU. The topic of the report was “Early career self-determination in Kazakhstan: analysis of the current situation and development trends.”
October 27, 2023, within the framework of the implementation of the project AP14869606 “Psychological and pedagogical guidance of students’ early professional self-determination in the system of secondary education” the head Kudysheva A. A. and members of the research group Ksembaeva S. K., Popandopulo A. S., Shcherbakova E. P. ., Pshembaeva E. S., Khaimuldina A. Yu. held a round table on the topic “Training teachers and psychologists to work with students in the secondary education system to support their early professional self-determination: problems and prospects.” Master's students, school teachers and psychologists took part in the discussion.
During the discussion, key problems and challenges in supporting students' early professional self-determination were identified. The participants not only exchanged valuable experience, but also gave vivid examples of successful practice, demonstrating possible ways to solve the problems.
Professional business trips
Place: Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic, Olomouc
Business trip period: from May 01 to May 14, 2023
Purpose of the trip: to study the experience of the Czech Republic on issues of supporting early professional self-determination of students (schoolchildren)
Several meetings were held with university staff (Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy Vojtech Regec, PhD; Deputy Dean for International Relations Jana Kvintová, PhD; Director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Social Research prof. Eva Šmelová, PhD; Associate Professor of the Faculty of Pedagogy Tomáš Čech, PhD; Assistant Professor Vlado Balaban, PhD; coordinator for international relations of the Faculty of Pedagogy Dagmar Zdráhalová), during which the prospects for early professional self-determination, psychological and pedagogical support for this process, and the active participation of universities in students consulting in schools were discussed.
There were also excursions around the university, meetings with teaching staff, employers, and students.
Schools that were visited:
- primary school Fakultní základní škola Olomouc (head-master – A. Zlámalová);
- Velehrad elementary school.
The administration conducted excursions to schools, where we were able to get acquainted with the organization of the educational process, the work of a psychologist, career consultant, teaching staff and talk with students.
Based on the results of the business trip, information was obtained that will be useful in drawing up a model of psychological, pedagogical and methodological support for early professional self-determination of students in the system of secondary education within the framework of our project.
Place: Gazi University, Ankara, Türkiye
Business trip period: from October 16 to October 23, 2023
Purpose of the trip: to study the experience of the Republic of Turkey on issues of psychological and pedagogical support for early professional self-determination of students in the system of basic secondary education
The scientific trip was built on the close work of senior researchers at Toraigрyrov University and the Vice-Rector for International Relations of Gazi University, PhD Yücel Gelişli; with the Coordination Office of International Relations of Gazi University – Doç. Dr. Aslıhan Selcen; professors of the Faculty of Education – Prof. Dr. Kemal Oztemel; Prof. Dr. Şerif Işik.
Senior researchers of NJSC “Toraighyrov University” presented for discussion the results of the study of the project “Psychological and pedagogical guidance of students’ early professional self-determination in the system of secondary education,” and also took part in the scientific and public life of the institute.
Senior researchers of NJSC "Toraighyrov University" visited and regularly worked at the Presidential National Library of Ankara, the library center of Gazi University to select material on the topic of the scientific project.
During the trip, they directly worked with professors of the Faculty of Education (Egitim fakultesi) Mehmet Akif Sözer, Ismail Karakaya on scientific research topics, discussed issues related to the topic of the project, and also improved their knowledge by attending lectures by Turkish teachers.
On October 18, 2023, research staff visited the Secondary School of Gazi University Foundation. They got acquainted with the work of this educational institution. Its General Director Vacide Kutay spoke in detail about the features of the primary and secondary education system in Turkey.
The foreign business trip allowed to see new prospects for research work, conduct an in-depth analysis of the problem being studied, propose new ideas for solving it and obtain optimal results.