140008, Pavlodar city, Lomov street, 64, Phone number: 8 (7182) 67-36-85 Fax: 8 (7182) 67-37-02 Selection committee: 8 (7182) 67-37-73 E-mail:
Scientific and innovative HUB
Personnel training
Normative legal acts
Regulations on the Master's degree
Doctoral studies
Normative legal acts
Regulations on doctoral studies
Dissertation Council
8D05101 — Биология
8D02302/01 — Казахская филология, Филология, Филология (рус, каз)
8D07201 — Metallurgy
8D01101 — Педагогика и психология
8D07102 — Транспорт, транспортная техника и технологии
8D07103 — Электроэнергетика
Normative legal acts
8D07104 — Heat Power Engineering
Candidates for Academic Ranks
Postdoctoral Fellowship
List of Postdoctoral Researchers at «Toraighyrov University» NJSC
Regulations on postdoctoral studies
Patent and publication activity
Regulation on Patent and Licensing Policy
Patent register
Information for inventors
Scientific Journal "Bulletin of Toraighyrov University"
Articles in publications with an impact factor
Scientifi events
Best University Teacher
Материалы научных конференций
Scientific projects and grants
Grant funding
ИРН AP14972779 «Совершенствование защиты трехфазного трансформатора от витковых замыканий c учетом его нелинейности»
AP19175752 «Научно-техническое обеспечение энергосбережения и ресурсоэффективности технологии приготовления высокооктановых бензинов и ароматических углеводородов»
ИРН AP14869152 «Разработка технологии получения комбинированных топливных брикетов из органических и промышленных отходов и исследование процессов их энергоэффективного сжигания в водогрейных котлах»
ToU Free economic zone
Малые гранты ТоУ
StartUp Projects
Grant AP14869606 "Psychological and pedagogical guidance of students’ early professional self-determination in the system of secondary education"
General information
Research team
Main events
Scientific library of the project (journals, collections of conference materials)
Grant AP19676924 «Development of technology and promotion of ecological branding of the industrial complex of the region»
General information
Research team
Main events
Scientific library of the project (journals, collections of conference materials)
AP22684424 Психолого-педагогическое сопровождение развития soft skills (гибких навыков) обучающихся вуза: эффективные практики и перспективы
Общие сведения
Исследовательский коллектив
Главные события
Научная библиотека проекта (журналы, сборники материалов конференций)
Scientific infrastructure
Scientific and practical centers
Scientific Research Institute of Agroinnovations and Biotechnology
Scientific Research Environmental Center "Monitoring"
United Research Archaeological Center named after. A. Kh. Margulan
Scientific and Practical Center for History and Ethnography of the Region named after. E. Bekmakhanov
Scientific and Practical Center of Ethnopedagogy and Innovative Technologies of Education named after Zh. Aimauytov
Scientific and Practical Center “Mashkhur Studies”
Institute for Socio-Political Research
Faculty of Natural Science
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Agricultural Science
Faculty of Computer Science
Regulatory documents
Council of Young Scientists
Scientific and Technical Council
Scientific and innovative HUB
Research and Commercialization Office
Innovation and Technology Park
Home page
Doctoral studies
Regulations on doctoral studies
Regulations on doctoral studies
Положение о докторантуре НАО "Торайгыров университет"