The 2nd round of the annual Republican competition of scientific research works of students in specialties 5B071200 “Mechanical Engineering”, 5B050600 “Economics” was held at NCJSC “Toraighyrov University”.
The commission, consisting of representatives of the university departments and enterprises of the region, through an open vote, recommended the best scientific works for awarding diplomas from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Appendix 1: Winners in specialty 5B071200 "Mechanical Engineering"
Appendix 2: Diplomas of the winners of scientific research work
Appendix 3: Winners in specialty 5B050600 "Economics"
Appendix 4: Diplomas of the winners of scientific research work of students
The 2nd round of the annual Republican competition of scientific research works of students in the specialty 5B071200 “Mechanical Engineering” was held at NCJSC “Toraighyrov University”.
The commission, consisting of representatives of the university departments and enterprises of the region, through an open vote, recommended the best scientific works for awarding diplomas from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Appendix 1: Winners in specialty 5B071200 "Mechanical Engineering"
Appendix 2: Diplomas of the winners of scientific research work of students
The 2nd round of the annual Republican competition of scientific research works of students in the specialty 6B07108 “Chemical technology of organic substances” was held at NCJSC “Toraighyrov University”.
The commission, consisting of representatives of the university departments and enterprises of the region, through an open vote, recommended the best scientific works for awarding diplomas from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Appendix 1: Winners in specialty 6B07108 “Chemical technology of organic substances”
The 2nd round of the annual Republican competition of scientific research works of students in specialties 6B03102 and 7M03103 “Political Science” was held at NCJSC “Toraighyrov University”.
The commission, consisting of representatives of the university departments and regional departments, by open voting recommended the best scientific works for awarding diplomas from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Appendix 1: Winners in specialty 6B03102 “Political Science”
Appendix 1: Winners in specialty 7M03103 “Political Science”
The 1st round of the annual Republican competition of student research works was held at NJSC "Toraighyrov University".
According to the minutes of the meeting, by open voting, the commission, consisting of the university teaching staff, recommended the following works to take part in the 2nd round of the Republican Scientific Research Competition:
Appendix 1: Minutes of the meeting of the 1st round of the Republican Research Competition.
Appendix 2: Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the 1st round of the Republican Research Competition.
The 1st round of the annual Republican competition of student research works was held at NJSC "Toraighyrov University".
According to the minutes of the meeting, by open voting, the commission, consisting of the university teaching staff, recommended the following works to take part in the 2nd round of the Republican Scientific Research Competition: