Responsible person: Kanat Kambarovich Akhmetov
Contacts: tel. 8 (7182) 673668
Direction of activity of the scientific laboratory:
1. Research in the field of environmental protection and natural resources;
2. Studying the achievements of science and production in the field of monitoring the environment and natural resources;
3. Methodological assistance in improving monitoring of the environment and natural resources of the region;
4. Training, retraining and advanced training of environmental monitoring workers;
5. Preparation and issuance of recommendations on environmental and natural resource monitoring issues.
Responsible person: Rimma Meiramovna Ualieva
Contacts: tel. 8(7182)673668, email:
Direction of activity of the scientific laboratory:
1. Developments in the field of biological sciences;
2. Applied research in the field of expert activity;
3. Carrying out all types of biological research, which include: actual biological examinations and agricultural examinations.
On the basis of the laboratory, research is being carried out within the framework of the project “Development of an ecological system for phytosanitary control of destructive biota (phytophages and phytopathogens) of spring wheat in the North-East of Kazakhstan” state budgetary research No. 66KMU2/4 dated February 24, 2021, headed by Ualieva R.M.
Responsible person: Nariman Beibutovich Mapitov
Contacts: tel. 8(7182)67-36-85, email:
Direction of activity of the scientific laboratory:
1. Study of the growth of trees and forest stands;
2. Retrospective studies of the influence of environmental factors (for example, climatic, astrophysical) on the formation of wood growth;
3. Diagnostics and forecast of the condition of trees and forest stands;
4. Assessment of the impact of unfavorable factors (for example, recreation, defoliation by insects) on tree growth;
5. Assessing the effectiveness of forestry activities (for example, thinning);
6. Examination of the causes of tree drying out (for example, identifying trees that have dried out as a result of long-term weakening as a result of competition, or died from exposure to factors of a pathological nature);
7. Establishing the exact date for the cessation of cambial activity in the tree trunk (calendar time of drying out or cutting down);
8. Identification of the place of origin of felled wood;
9. Assessment of the technical properties of wood during different periods of growth;
10. Reconstruction of the history of forest phytocenosis in a local area;
11. Study of intrapopulation variability in hereditary environmental properties.
Responsible person: Kasanova A.Zh.
Contacts: tel. 8(7182)673651, email:
Direction of activity of the scientific laboratory:
1. Research within the framework of the project “Metal-organic coordination polymers based on azoles: synthesis, study of properties, production of new functional materials” state budgetary research No. 327/2 dated November 27, 2020, headed by Kasanova A.Zh.