Implementation period: 01.08.2022-01.11.2024
The relevance of this project lies in the need to rethink and change existing approaches to the professional self-determination of secondary education students, since the socio-economic development of the country, the development of the labor market, employment and a general increase in the standard of living of the population depend on this. The novelty of the idea lies in the development of a model of psychological, pedagogical and methodical support for early professional self-determination of students, taking into account available resources and the needs of stakeholders.
The goal of the project is the theoretical justification and practical implementation of a model of psychological, pedagogical and methodical support for early professional self-determination of students in the system of general secondary education, containing both current methods of work and contributions from modern research, as well as proposed recommendations.
Expected and achieved results:
1) scientific articles have been published in publications recommended by Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
Theoretical review of psychological and pedagogical support for early professional self-determination of students / Kudysheva A. A., Shcherbakova E. P., Khaimuldina A. Yu., Zhumadirova K. K. // Bulletin of Toraighyrov University, pedagogical series. – 2022. – No. 3. – P. 285–296.
The content and components of students’ early professional self-determination in the system of secondary education / Kudysheva A. A., Mukhataev A. A., Pshembayeva E. S., Khaimuldina A. Yu // Bulletin of Toraighyrov University, pedagogical series. – Pavlodar, 2023. – No. 2. – P. 223–233.
Diagnostic tools for studying professional self-determination of students in the OSE system / Kudysheva A. A., Popandopulo A. S., Shcherbakova E. P., Zhumadirova K. K. // Bulletin of Abai KazNPU, series “Pedagogical Sciences”. – Almaty, 2023. – No. 3(79). – pp. 275–285.
Model of psychological, pedagogical and methodological support for early professional self-determination of students in the OSE system / Kudysheva A. A., Ksembaeva S. K., Nauryzbaeva E. K., Zhumadirova K. K. // Multidisciplinary scientific journal of Akhmet Baitursynuly Kostanay Regional University series “Pedagogical Sciences”. – Kostanay, 2023. – No. 3. – P. 220–230.
2) it is planned to publish:
- 1 article in a peer-reviewed scientific publication, indexed in the Social Science Citation Index or Arts and Humanities Citation Index of the Web of Science database and having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty-five);
- 1 article in a journal recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- monographs.
NJSC "Toraighyrov University"
140008, Pavlodar, Lomov st., 64
Mobile phone: 8-775-993-8884