September 21, 2023. Round table «Development of technology and promotion of environmental branding of the industrial complex of the region (Pavlodar Region)», Astana, site of the Economic Research Institute (ERI). Organizers and participants: scientists from Economic Research Institute, representatives of the research team of NJSC Toraighyrov University.
September 21, 2023. Participation in the work of the II stage of strategic sessions on technological foresight GreenTech, held under the auspices of JSC «NARI “Qazinnovations», Astana. Platform of Qazpatent - National Institute of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Organizers and participants: NARI Qazinnovations JSC, Eurasian Group LLP, Polymetal Eurasia LLP, Zhasyl Damu JSC, Association of Environmental Organizations of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan Association of Regional Environmental Initiatives «ECOJER», NJSC «International Center for Green Technologies and investment projects», representatives of the research team of NJSC «Toraighyrov University» etc.
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October 25, 2023. Business meeting of the research team of NJSC «Toraighyrov University» with scientists from the Omsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ONC SB RAS) within the framework of the Collaboration Agreement, Omsk, site of the OSC SB RAS. The goal is to discuss and detail organizational issues and measures to promote the project AP19676924 «Development of technology and promotion of ecological branding of the industrial complex of the region» (within the framework of grant funding from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
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October 27, 2023. First place in the International Scientific and Practical Conference «XV Toraigyrov Readings», section «Economy of the Pavlodar Region: State of the Art, Problems, Prospects». Winners: Margarita Andreevna Foos (ЕP «6B04102 Management», group Men-22), Shaismailov Dias Aliuly (ЕP «6B04102 Management», group Men-22). Report «Promotion of environmental branding of the industrial complex of the region».
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November 03. 2023. Round table “Ecological branding of the industrial complex of the region”. Address: Pavlodar, Lomova str. 64 (main building of ToU), aud. A-268 (first floor, left wing). Date: 03 November 2023. Time: 10.00 - 12.00 h. Organiser: research team of the project, Department of Economics.
Format of the round table: in person and remotely (Zoom).
Programme of the round table:
1) Ecological aspects of forming a positive image of manufacturers of industrial products. Moderator: A.A. Titkov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department "Economics";
2) Problems of promotion of knowledge about ecology and domestic ecological products (report on the results of sociological survey). Moderator: Davidenko L.M., Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD, Associate Professor (Associate Professor), Project Manager;
3) Motivation of network trade interest in sales and setting an adequate price for eco-products in Pavlodar region and cross-border regions. Moderator: Davidenko L.M., Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD, Associate Professor (Associate Professor), Project Manager.
Invited speakers: representatives of the industrial complex, members of the National ESG Club («Pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery» LLP, Aluminium of Kazakhstan JSC), civil service and local authorities (Akimat of Uspensky district, Department of Land Resources Management of Pavlodar region, Department of Ecology in Pavlodar region), trade and business environment (Regional Representative Office of "Sady Pridoniya" OJSC, "AgroProm" LLP).
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September - October 2023. Research on diagnostics of key problems of sustainable development in combination with mechanisms of ecological branding of the industrial complex of the region.
In September - October 2023, within the framework of the project AP19676924 “Development of technology and promotion of ecological branding of the industrial complex of the region” a sociological survey (online questionnaire) of enterprises, institutions, organisations was conducted to diagnose the key problems of sustainable development in combination with mechanisms of ecological branding of the domestic industrial complex.
The results of the sociological survey will be of interest to researchers and experts in the field of sustainable development, ESG-transformation, regional development, public relations, etc. The report is of analytical value for economists, managers, sociologists, ecologists, heads of economic entities, financial institutions, central and local executive bodies, non-governmental organisations, public associations, media representatives, development partners working and implementing sustainable development projects in the regions of Kazakhstan and other countries.
We will be glad to have an open dialogue on interpretation, identification and discussion of cause-and-effect relations, interrelations, trends, and development of ways to solve the identified problems.
Report on the sociological survey.pdf
October 2023. Research on diagnostics of key problems of sustainable development in combination with mechanisms of ecological branding of the industrial complex of the region. In October 2023, within the framework of the project AP19676924 “Development of technology and promotion of ecological branding of the industrial complex of the region” a sociological survey (online questionnaire) of residents of the Pavlodar region and other regions was conducted to diagnose the key problems of sustainable development in combination with mechanisms of ecological branding of the domestic industrial complex. The questionnaire survey allowed to detail the elements of the technology of ecological branding of products (services). The results of the sociological study will be of interest to researchers and experts in the field of sustainable development, ESG-transformation, regional development, public relations, etc. Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey! We will be glad to have an open dialog on interpreting, identifying and discussing cause-and-effect relationships, interconnections, trends, and working out ways to solve the identified problems!
Report on the sociological survey. Population.pdf
November 30. 2023. Participation in the International Conference "Socio-economic Development of Regions in the Conditions of Digital Transformation". Venue: Russian Federation, Omsk, 2A 4th Chelyuskintsev St., Omsk Humanitarian Academy.
Project leader Davidenko Lyudmila Mikhailovna delivered a report "Sustainable socio-economic development of regions: environmental aspects" at the plenary session. She highlighted the prospects of economic development of Pavlodar region taking into account overcoming environmental problems. She answered the questions of factor estimation of changes in the volume of mutual trade turnover of EAEU countries, there were intentions to expand cooperation within the project.
07 December 2023. Participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Economy of the XXI century". Venue: Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, 26 Karl Marx Avenue, Autonomous non-profit educational organisation of higher education of the Centrosoyuz of the Russian Federation "Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation" (SibUСC). Alexey Anatolyevich Titkov acted as an expert of the section "New challenges of socio-economic development: macro-, meso- and micro-levels". Project Manager Lyudmila Mikhailovna Davidenko delivered a report "Challenges of ESG-transformation for sustainable development of regions" at the plenary session. The results of the sociological survey of companies of Pavlodar region and their partners were presented to the participants of the conference. Scientists - representatives of the leading universities of the Eurasian Economic Union countries showed keen interest in the research topic. There is a Memorandum of Scientific Co-operation between SibUСC and ToU.
Portfolio of the conference at SibUCC.pdf
19 January 2024. On the initiative of JSC "Economic Research Institute"(ERI) of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan a meeting with representatives of NGO Earth Fund "Sustainable Development" was held. Alan Baltabayuly Besen and Andrey Ivanovich Pilnikov presented the Project of the first carbon landfill in Kazakhstan. The facility is located at the Zholtaptyk aul biostation in Zhelezinsky district of Pavlodar region. If successful, Zholtaptyk could become part of an ecological and climatic transect from north to south Central Asia. ERI Regional Research Centre Director Karimov Yerlan Sagatbekuly and ERI Quality of Life Centre Deputy Director Meirembaev Aytzhan Mauletbaevich outlined the vision of possible scenarios of the project implementation with the involvement of scientists from Toraighyrov University. There are prospects for joint development of scientific and technological solutions for accurate accounting of greenhouse gas absorption and emissions, analysis of the territory to calculate biological mass, species composition of plants and soil conditions, construction of a greenhouse complex for growing sustainable green crops and further sale of environmentally friendly products. Joint efforts will contribute to the promotion of environmental branding of the Pavlodar region.
26 January 2024. Together with KSU «Centre for Development of Youth Initiatives» of the Department of Information and Public Development of Pavlodar region, a discussion platform «Ecobranding in Youth Entrepreneurship» was organised, which gathered over fifty representatives of Pavlodar youth, including NGO «New Wave | Eco Volunteering», NIS, Secondary general education profile school No. 36 of environmental orientation of Pavlodar city, KSU «Specialised school-lyceum «Zhas Daryn» of the Department of Education of Pavlodar region, students and master's students of Toraighyrov University a welcoming speech and excursion into the models of «green» economy of youth entrepreneurship was made by Alexey Titkov, Professor, Head of the Department of «Economics» of Toraighyrov University. Dinara Bayhanova, head of staff of Uspensky district maslikhat, talked about the high interest of entrepreneurs of LLP «Galitskoe», Peasant farm «REGTime», Peasant farm «Dvin», IP «Saptama Etik» in promoting their high-quality and environmentally friendly products in new markets of near and far abroad. The participants of the discussion platform were offered point cases for solving requests of Pavlodar footwear, dairy and meat products producers in promoting eco-branding of their products. The summary of the main theses and conclusions lies in the proposals made by young people: 1) positioning of the eco-brand of industrial products through the creation of a brandbook, recycling and bonus system; 2) development of bio-degradable packaging and eco-design; 3) development of loyalty programmes for eco-brand consumers, such as bonuses for returning and recycling packaging; 4) participation in specialised exhibitions on «green» topics; organisation of «green» trainings; 5) international product certification and obtaining ISO licenses; 6) B2G; interaction with environmental organisations and foundations for additional support; 7) collaboration with bloggers; creation and application of «green» offers in mass media.
Co-operation with the panellists will be continued through participation in joint projects, trainings and conferences.
13 March 2024. Participation in the International Youth Scientific Readings named after Professor N.N. Protopopov on March 13-14, 2024, held as part of the International Youth Forum-2024 "TRACTORY OF SUCCESS". Venue: Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, 26 Karl Marx Ave., Autonomous non-profit educational organization of higher education of the Centrosoyuz of the Russian Federation "Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation" (SibUPC). Dinara Asemgazievna Bayhanova, a member of the research working group of the project, a master student of the group MGMU-22n, made a report "Ecological branding as a factor of investment attractiveness of cross-border regions" online at the plenary session, scientific supervisor Lyudmila Mikhailovna Davidenko. The presented research was carried out within the framework of the Memorandum of Scientific Cooperation between Toraighyrov University and Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation.
Портфолио Молодежные чтения СибУПК март 2024.pdf
20 March 2024. Holding of the International competition of student research papers on economic specialities on the theme: "ESG in Kazakhstan and in the world: understanding and practices" in absentee format in two sections: 1) "Ecobranding: efficiency assessment and creative technologies; 2) "Mechanisms for achieving carbon neutrality in the context of business development" in two stages: the first stage - development, preparation of research work, within the selected section (January-February 2024); the second stage - submission of competition documentation to the organising committee, the work of the competition committee (until March 01, 2024). Representatives of higher schools from Kazakhstan and Russia took part, including: Toraighyrov University, Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov. M. Dulatov University, Sarsen Amanzholov University of East Kazakhstan, Atyrau University named after M. Dosmukhamedov. H. Dosmukhamedov University, Alikhan Bokeikhan University, Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" (Financial University), Almaty Technological University. The presented works cover a wide range of problems and proposals in the field of ecological branding and ESG-transformation of socio-economic systems.
Portfolio Student Paper Competition 2024.pdf
21 March 2024. Participation in the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of economic security and customs regulation: search for effective solutions" March 21 - 22, 2024. Organizer, venue: South Ural State University (SUSU), Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk, Lenin Avenue, 76, aud. 130/3b. The section "Problems of economic security: from structural adaptation to economic growth" was attended by the members of the research working group of the project: scientific supervisor Davidenko Lyudmila Mikhailovna, PhD; junior researcher Beisembina Ansagan Nygmetovna, master of economics; partners in the international collaboration - Miller Maxim Alexandrovich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Senior Researcher, Deputy Director for Research, Omsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Miller Alexander Emelyanovich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of "Economics and Finance" of "Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky", Senior Researcher of Omsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. They presented a report on the topic: "Development of indicators of socio-ecological development for the economic security of the industrial complex of the region". The presented research was carried out under the Collaboration Agreement between Toraighyrov University and Omsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
SUSU ISPC Portfolio 21 March 2024.pdf
April 19, 2024. Participation in the International Scientific Conference “XXIV SATPAEV READINGS”, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Academician Kanysh Satpayev. Participation in the Exhibition of Scientific Projects.
Portfolio Exhibition of projects Satpayev Readings 2024.pdf
April 29, 2024. Participation in the Round Table «Energy Transition – Issues of Sustainable Development for the Pavlodar Region». Date: April 29, 2024 Time: 15.00 – 17.00 Organizer – ALE «Association of Civil Alliance of Pavlodar Region».
Format of the round table: in person. Round table program: 1) Energy transition - issues of sustainable development for the Pavlodar region. Speaker – Mogilyuk Svetlana Vladimirovna, Chairman of the ALE «Association of Civil Alliance of Pavlodar Region»; 2) Strategic priorities for applying a set of «green» technologies in industry as the basis for platform greening of the economy. Speaker - Titkov A.A., Ph.D., professor, head. Department of Economics; 3) «Challenges of ESG transformation for sustainable development of regions». Speaker - Davidenko L.M., Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD, Associate Professor (Associate Professor), Project Manager; 4) Plans for the restoration and expansion of existing energy facilities. Speaker - Zhakupova B.B., Head of the Energy and Energy Saving Department of the State Institution «Department of Energy and Housing and Communal Services of the Pavlodar Region».
Moderator: Svetlana Vladimirovna Mogilyuk, Chairman of the ALE “Association of Civil Alliance of Pavlodar Region”.
Invited speakers: representatives of the industrial complex (PAVLODARENERGO JSC, Pavlodar Heating Networks LLP), State Institution «Department of Subsoil Use, Environment and Water Resources of the Pavlodar Region», public associations «EKOM», Pavlodar regional branch of the party «Amanat».
28 May 2024. Participation in a training seminar on the topics: ‘The role of a trade mark in business’, ‘Trade mark protection abroad’, ‘Requirements for filing trade mark applications’, ‘Legal protection of geographical indications and their role in the development of regional brands’, ‘Industrial design as an integral part of business’, ‘Eurasian regional system of industrial design protection’. The meeting was organised by the Department of Justice of Pavlodar region and «Atameken» IPP. Moderators - representatives of RSE ‘National Institute of Intellectual Property’ of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan (QAZPATENT): Belgozhina Gulnara Damirzhanovna, Head of the Department of Trademarks, Geographical Indications, Appellations of Origin and Industrial Designs, RSE «National Institute of Intellectual Property» of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Sharipova Maya Kydyralievna, Chief Expert of the Department of Trademarks, Geographical Indications, Appellations of Origin and Industrial Designs, QAZPATEN; Belzhanova Madina, Senior Expert of the Department of Trademarks, Geographical Indications, Appellations of Origin and Industrial Designs, QAZPATEN; Zamzagul Sattarova Abylkasymova, Chief Expert, Department of Trademarks, Geographical Indications, Appellations of Origin and Industrial Designs, QAZPATENT; Aliya Bekenovna Makhmetova, Chief Expert, Department of Trademarks, Geographical Indications, Appellations of Origin and Industrial Designs, QAZPATENT. Participants: heads of enterprises of Pavlodar region, scientists and specialists Non-profit Joint Stock Company «Toraighyrov University» and others. Format: face-to-face, online. The issues discussed were: 1) Mechanisms of branding of products and services of Kazakhstani manufacturers related to the procedures of examination and registration of trademarks; 2) Procedure for registration of Geographical Indication (GI) through a designation identifying goods, the quality, reputation and other characteristics of which are largely associated with its geographical origin; 3) Protection of industrial designs; 4) Procedure for interaction with the Eurasian system of legal protection of industrial designs through the Eurasian Patent Organisation.
QAZPATENT Portfolio 28 May 2024.pdf
29 May 2024. Participation in the International session «ESG risks and opportunities for the financial sector in Kazakhstan: a view from rating agencies and investors». Organisers of the meeting - Association of Legal Entities «Kazakhstan Association of Natural Resource Users for Sustainable Development» in cooperation with International Organisations WBCSD Global Network, IFRS Foundation, IFC representative office in Kazakhstan, representatives of the expert community on sustainable development in Kazakhstan and with the support of RPP «Atameken» in Almaty. Moderators: Irina Gorbacheva, Partner of BCSD Kazakhstan, CEO Sustainability Solutions, Ltd.; Gulsara Yedilbayeva, Chairman of the Board of Directors of BCSD Kazakhstan; Galina Artyukhina, Executive Director of BCSD Kazakhstan. Participants: representatives of industrial companies, consulting services, second-tier banks, scientists of the Department of Economics at Toraighyrov University and others. Format: face-to-face, online. The issues of ESG-risk assessment in financing «green» projects, assessment of «carbon footprint» of organisations, rating gradation by levels of ESG-maturity were discussed. Adaptation and implementation of ESG-principles at enterprises will allow to jointly work out mechanisms of ecological branding.
Portfolio International session ‘ESG Risks’ 29 May 2024.pdf
September 25 – 27. 2024. Business meeting with scientists of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, participation in the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference «Modern Management: Problems and Prospects». Address: Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, 30-32 Griboedov Canal Embankment. Date of the business meeting: 25 September 2024 Date of the conference: 26-27 September 2024 Time: 10.00 - 18.00 hrs. Organisers and participants - scientists of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, research team of the project, Department of Economics.
Format of the business meeting and participation in the conference: in person. Agenda: 1) Organisational issues on the prospects of cooperation. Speakers: Alexander Sergeyevich Pogoreltsev, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean for Research of the Faculty of Management of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Innovation; Anna Bezdudnaya, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Innovation of the Faculty of Management of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Executive Director of the Arctic Ecological and Economic Research Centre; Alexey Anatolievich Titkov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Innovation of the Faculty of Management of St. Petersburg State University of Economics. 2) Round table «Priority directions of innovation and investment development in the context of globalisation processes», moderator: Anna Bezdudnaya, PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Innovation, Faculty of Management, St. Petersburg State University of Economics Participants: Alexey Anatolievich Titkov, PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics, Toraighyrov University, Senior Researcher of the project, report on «Innovative development of industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the principles of the pluri-innovative development of industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan»; Ludmila Mikhailovna Davidenko, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics of ToU, Project Manager, report on «Development of the principles of implementation of environmental branding technology of the industrial complex of the region». Round table «Research cooperation: problems and prospects in various sectors of the economy», «Quality management: the era of global change», participant: Amirova Maral Akbayevna, PhD, Associate Professor (Associate Professor) of the Department of Economics, Toraigyrov University, Senior Researcher of the project, report on the topic: «Assessment of environmental performance of enterprises».
Problems and solutions of ecological branding, activation of investment investments in the implementation of eco-branding technology of industrial companies, prospects of «green» integration with the involvement of government agencies and banking institutions were discussed. The prospects of signing a Memorandum on scientific co-operation between the universities were outlined.
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01 November 2024. Participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference «16th Toraighyrov Readings» - November 1, 2024. Venue: Toraighyrov University, Pavlodar, Lomov Street, 64.
Students prepared reports on the topic «Ecobranding» for the subsection «Economy of Pavlodar Region: Status, Problems, Prospects». The following works were presented: «Promotion of Kazakhstani Eco-Brands: Problems and Prospects», authors: Foos M.A., Shaismailov D.A. (group Men-402), scientific supervisors: Sherimova N.M., Davidenko L.M.; «Environmental aspects of branded products in the Kazakhstan market (the experience of H&M Kazakhstan LLP)», authors: Snezhko E. D., Aspanova K. B. (group En-402), «Branding: features of finished product sales and environmental sustainability», author: Vorushin Ya. D. (group En-402), scientific supervisor Davidenko L. M. Students of group En-402 Zhunusova D. B. and Pyatnitskaya A. A. with the report «Environmental branding of global companies (on the example of Kaspersky Lab JSC)», scientific supervisor Davidenko L. M., took the honorable 1st place. The direction of environmental branding is considered by students as part of scientific research and for final qualifying works.
Portfolio Conference «16th Toraighyrov Readings»
08 November 2024. Round table "The process of forming an "investment" passport and the structure of a digital reference guide for participants in "green" integration", Astana, Economic Research Institute (ERI) venue. Organizers and participants: scientists from JSC "Economic Research Institute", representatives of the research team of Toraighyrov University. The meeting discussed the interim results of the project, the structure and options for testing the developed digital documents. Interaction between the organizations is carried out within the framework of the Memorandum of Scientific Cooperation.
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Portfolio Institute of Economic Research Astana November 2024
November 27-29, 2024. Participation in the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Greater Eurasia: National and Civilizational Aspects of Development and Cooperation". Organizer, venue: Institute of Economic Strategies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, University of World Civilizations, Russian Federation, Moscow, plenary session - 1st Basmanny Lane, building 3, Building 1; sectional session - Leninsky Prospekt, building 1/2, Building 1 (room 408). Section "Problems of Economic Security: From Structural Adaptation to Economic Growth", November 29, 2024. Scientific supervisor Lyudmila Mikhailovna Davidenko took part, report on the topic: “Program for scaling platform greening of production to the regions and establishing connections to promote national "green" branding”. The presented study was carried out within the framework of the Collaboration Agreement between Toraighyrov University and the Omsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (OSC SB RAS).
Portfolio Greater Eurasia Moscow 27-29.11.2024.pdf
December 11, 2024. Participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Asset Management - 2024: Digital Culture of Asset Management in New Business Models". Organizer, venue: Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), based on the Asset Management Department of the Faculty of International Economic Relations, MGIMO, Russian Federation, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 76. Section "Empirical Experience of Forming New Business Models: Creation and Destruction of Management Concepts", December 11, 2024. Scientific Supervisor Lyudmila Mikhailovna Davidenko took part, report on the topic: "Formation of a Business Model for Environmental Branding of an Industrial Company". The presented study was carried out within the framework of the Collaboration Agreement between Toraighyrov University and the Omsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (OSC SB RAS).
Portfolio MGIMO University 11.12.2024.pdf
December 11, 2024. Participation in the IV International Scientific Conference "Social Security in the Eurasian Space". Organizer, venue: Branch of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization of Higher Education "Institute of Business Career" in the Tyumen Region, Tyumen, Karl Marx St., 12, building 2. Section "Information and Economic Security in the Context of Risks and Threats", December 11, 2024. The following took part: Junior Researcher of the Project Beisembina Ansagan Nygmetovna; Senior Researcher of the Project, Head of the Department of Economics of ToU Titkov Aleksey Anatolyevich; Scientific Supervisor Davidenko Lyudmila Mikhailovna. Report on the topic: "Ecobranding of Kazakhstani industrial companies for the purposes of sustainable development".
Portfolio Tyumen 11.12.2024.pdf
12-13 December, 2024. Participation as an expert in the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Economy of the XXI Century" within the framework of the Decade of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation, December 12-13, 2024. Venue: Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Karl Marx Ave., 26, Autonomous Non-Commercial Educational Organization of Higher Education of the Central Union of the Russian Federation "Siberian University of Consumer Cooperatives" (SibUPC). Scientific Supervisor Lyudmila Mikhailovna Davidenko acted as an expert in the section "Performance Management of Organizations in the Service Sector". Relations were established with researchers in the field of lean manufacturing, green transport, branding of certification and manufactured products. The event was held within the framework of the Memorandum of Scientific Cooperation between Toraighyrov University and the Siberian University of Consumer Cooperatives.
Portfolio Novosibirsk SibUPK December 12-13 2024.pdf
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