The main areas of work of the Institute for Socio-Political Research:
- monitoring and analysis of government policy and actions of government bodies, monitoring of legislation and the socio-political situation in the sectors of interest to the client;
- organizing and conducting political, legal, sociological and marketing research;
- development of programs, concepts, strategic planning documents, instructional and methodological materials;
- analysis of the interests of industry stakeholders, analysis of resources and strategies of competitors, analysis of the mechanism of the decision-making process and conducting rating studies;
- organizing and conducting seminars and trainings;
- preparation of reference and analytical reviews on various topics;
- development and conduct of individual and group trainings in professional rhetoric: techniques for successful interviews and public speaking;
- analysis of public opinion on current issues of domestic and foreign policy of the state;
- study of the population’s reaction to socio-political reforms and individual political events;
- diagnostics of the social well-being of Kazakhstan people and the study of its influence on political sentiments;
- study of political and ideological values in society;
- public assessment of the activities of various government bodies and political institutions;
- sociological monitoring of the situation in the region;
- assessment of satisfaction with the authorities by residents of the region;
- assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of local governments in the region;
- diagnostics of the situation in the region, study of social well-being, socio-political situation, problematic background in the region;
- assessment of the quality of public services.
1) carrying out research, expert-analytical, consulting activities for governmental and non-governmental organizations, other legal entities and individuals in the field of policy for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as policy in the field of creation and operation of state development institutions. This activity is carried out in the following main directions:
- study of structural changes and shifts in the Kazakhstan economy, politics in the context of government-implemented policies;
- identification and analysis of existing and potential drivers of sustainable long-term socio-economic growth;
- analysis of the activities of state development institutions;
- research of directions and instruments of public policy;
- research into the behavior of economic entities, external and internal factors influencing their behavior, including actions and measures implemented by the state;
2) study and generalization of domestic and world experience in the areas of research and expert-analytical work in the field of policy for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as policy in the field of creation and operation of state development institutions;
3) promoting the development of fundamental and applied sociological and political science research aimed at current issues, both independently and in collaboration with other organizations, conducting socio-political monitoring, including with the Departments of the Pavlodar region;
4) dissemination of the results of research and expert-analytical activities of the Institute, including through the preparation and publication of scientific and expert reports and articles, organization and/or participation in representative Kazakhstan and foreign scientific and scientific-practical conferences, congresses, seminars, round tables, etc. according to the profile of the Institute’s activities;
5) involvement in the research and expert-analytical work of the Institute of scientific, pedagogical and other employees of NCJSC “Toraighyrov University”, students, Master’s degree and doctoral students of NCJSC “Toraighyrov University”;
6) use of the results of the Institute’s work in the educational process and promotion of the practical application of these results, including:
- participation in the development and implementation of educational courses on the profile of the Institute;
- scientific-methodological, expert-analytical, organizational and other support for the activities of faculties and other structural divisions of NCJSC “Toraighyrov University” implementing educational programs;
- participation in the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in master's and doctoral studies;
- organizing and conducting scientific internships for undergraduates and doctoral students in the areas of political science, sociology, philosophy, history, jurisprudence, management, marketing;
- conducting advanced training courses, seminars, trainings for students on socio-political issues; for applicants to government bodies, including special ones;
- development of communications and establishment of a constructive dialogue between the state, science and business on the issues of stimulating positive structural changes in policies for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as policies in the field of creation and activities of state development institutions, including the formation and maintenance of an expert and analytical platform with the participation of representatives all interested parties;
- participation in the global research and expert network, development and strengthening of international relations in the field of activity of the Institute.
- conducting fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of sociology, social and political sciences;
- formation of a practice-oriented educational environment by involving students and undergraduates in project, expert-analytical, scientific and teaching work;
- creation of a center of knowledge and competencies in the field of fundamental and applied political research, included in Kazakhstan and international networks of academic interaction;
- expert and analytical support and consulting to authorities in matters of political decision-making, as well as budgetary, commercial and non-profit organizations in related areas.
Achievements in the field of quality of the Institute for Socio-Political Research for the 2020-2022 academic year:
Textbooks (monographs)
- Kaliev I.A., Altybasarova M.A. Public administration (Recommended for use in organizations of higher and postgraduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Protocol No. 1 of March 16, 2022”).
- Kaliev I.A., Polomarchuk B.V. Anti-corruption policy and legislation (Recommended for use in organizations of higher and postgraduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Protocol No. 2 of May 17, 2022).
Contract-based works:
(01.07.2020 – 31.12.2020)
- Monitoring the socio-political situation in the Pavlodar region;
- Identification of the attitude of residents of the Pavlodar region to the key messages of “Rukhani Zhangyru”;
- Social development index of Pavlodar region;
- Migration potential of the Pavlodar region;
- Identification of the attitude of residents of the Pavlodar region to the annual Address of the Head of State;
- Study of the socio-psychological climate in work teams;
- Assessment of infrastructure and public policy in the social sphere.
(01.02.2020 – 31.12.2021)
- Social infrastructure of the village and the main ways to improve it (using the example of the Pavlodar region).”
(12.03.2021 – 04.05.2021)
- Assessment of the transport infrastructure of Pavlodar;
- “Assessment of the climate in the workforce using the example of Pavlodar Tram Management JSC.”
Advanced training courses (seminars):
(November, 2020 – December, 2020)
- methodological seminar with ISPR staff on the topic “Scientific foundations of socio-political research”;
- “Economic and social development of rural areas of Pavlodar region.”
(August 10, 2020 – August 21, 2020)
- Fundamentals of the theory and practice of managing political processes. Conducting intra-party primaries.
(January 18, 2021 – January 27, 2021)
- a seminar for law enforcement officers and local authorities on the topic “Actions of authorized bodies during peaceful assemblies (rallies) and their adoption of measures in the event of crisis situations.”
(February 23 to February 27, 2021)
- a seminar on continuous training of personnel of local representative bodies, representative authorities, party structures, deputies of city and regional maslikhats in the direction of “Political ethics and the basics of public speaking.”
(May 2021)
- Human resource management in an organization for lower and middle managers in the manufacturing sector.
(April 10, 2022 – April 18, 2022)
- Human resource management in an organization for higher education employees.
Conducting the Olympiad
- The Institute of Socio-Political Research, together with the department of “Social Sciences, Journalism and Information” in April 2021 held an Olympiad in the field of “Political Science” (the “Young Politician” nomination) among students of secondary schools of the city and region (students of secondary schools of cities took part in the Olympiad: Pavlodar, Ekibastuz, Aksu, as well as Terenkol and Pavlodar regions).
- On April 28, 2022, ISPR, together with the branch of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Pavlodar region, held the 1st Olympiad for civil servants of the Pavlodar region.
Quality goals of the Institute for Social and Political Research for the 2020-2023 academic year:
- to assist in the development of NCJSC “Toraighyrov University” as a center for innovative, technological and social development, acting as a generator of “leaders of change” in the economy and social sphere of the Pavlodar region, fully meeting the needs of the region with highly qualified specialists;
- ensuring compliance of performance results with the established requirements of the standard at all stages of professional training of qualified personnel, taking into account the needs of educational institutions, individuals, and society as a whole.
Staff of the Institute for Socio-Political Research
Ildar Abuzhanovich Kaliyev - director of the institute (ISPR), candidate of political sciences, professor, full member of the International Academy of Informatization ( Almaty) |
Aigul Mukhametkhanovna Turlybekova is a senior researcher of the ISPR, candidate of historical sciences, professor |
Murat Alibaevich Suleymenov - Senior Researcher of the ISPR, candidate of historical sciences, professor |
Boris Viktorovich Polomarchuk - Researcher of the ISPR, Master of Social Sciences, Corresponding Member of International Academy of Informatization (Almaty) |