The Scientific Research Environmental Center "Monitoring" was opened in 2005.
1.Development and improvement of the efficiency of scientific research.
2. Conducting applied and fundamental research to create modern innovative technologies and new high-tech products.
-studying the achievements of science and production in the field of monitoring the environment and natural resources;
-methodological assistance in improving monitoring of the environment and natural resources of the region;
-training, retraining and advanced training of environmental monitoring workers;
-preparation and issuance of recommendations on environmental and natural resource monitoring issues.
1. Conducting scientific research in the area of environmental protection and natural resources.
2.Creation of scientific laboratories in the area of monitoring the environment and natural resources.
1. A monograph (Akhmetov K.K.) “Simuliidae (black flies) of Pavlodar (fauna, biology, ecology and control of their numbers)” was written and published.
2. An article was published in the rating magazine “Journal of water and land development” entitled “Agrotechnological methods of plant feeders applying for spring wheat agrocenoses”.
3. Work on the project “Organization of scientific support for biological control of the number of blood-sucking mosquitoes and midges using biological preparations in the floodplain of the Irtysh River” is underway.
Kanat Kombarovich Akhmetov
Position: senior researcher.
Academic degree: Doctor of Biological Sciences
Academic title: Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission
Education: Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute. Faculty of Natural Sciences, 1980-1985 Postgraduate studies at the Institute of Zoology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1986-1989. Specialty: Biology.
In 1990, he graduated from graduate school and successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of biological sciences. In 2004, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences in the specialty 03.00.19 - “Parasitology”.
Scientific and pedagogical experience - 34 years
Field of scientific research: Parasitology, invertebrate zoology, vertebrate zoology, cytology.
Disciplines taught: Blood-sucking dipterans of Pavlodar Irtysh region, Functional morphology of invertebrates, Current problems of modern general parasitology.
Awards, diplomas, certificates:
Participated in many international conferences, including abroad. Member of the Russian Society of Helmitologists, member of the International Association of Helminthologists (ICOPA). He was a member of the Dissertation Council at KazSRVI (JSC KazAgroInnovation (Almaty)), an expert of the committee for control in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a member of the regional Council on Ecology. In 2011, he completed a scientific internship at the Department of Cell Biology and Histology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow), as part of the internship, he delivered a special course for students in the amount of 22 hours on the ultrastructure of cells, organs and tissues of trematodes. He is a pioneer in the study of the fauna, biology and phenology of midges developing in the bed of the Irtysh River, within the Pavlodar region, since 1999 he has been continuously leading the scientific group for the support of insecticidal measures at the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Pavlodar Region. The result of the mentioned work is the development of an algorithm for the use of bacterial larvocidal drugs in rivers, which is successfully used annually during the period of mass breeding of blood-sucking midges in the city of Pavlodar. This technique is approved for use in the countries of the customs union Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. During the period 2008-2009 he developed a technology for using the biological preparation “Bacticide” in river conditions for biological control of the number of blood-sucking midge larvae on the instructions of “Sibbifarm” LLC (Novosibirsk, Russia). This drug was introduced into production for the first time. As part of international cooperation, he organized and led two international expeditions with the participation of Kazakhstan and Russian scientists (2012), with the participation of Kazakhstan, Russian and British scientists (2008). Awarded the badge “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2013.
Scientific publications
1. Functional morphology and functional basis of the molecular organization of eukaryotic cells: a textbook for undergraduates and doctoral students of the specialty 6M060700, 6D060700-Biology. Pavodar, 2013 2. Features of the ultrastructural organization of the intestinal epithelium of the trematode. “Bulletin of Zoology”, No. 6, 2013. pp. 68-69. 3. Ultrastructure and functional morphology of male and female trematodes Dendrithobilharcia pulverulenta (Braun, 1901) (Trematoda: Schisthosomatidae) // Russian Journal of Parasitology. 2012, No. 4. P.14-23 4. Functional morphology of the integumentary tissue and intestinal epithelium of representatives of the class Trematoda (type Plathelminthes) / International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research, No. 9, 2012, Moscow. (18-19) 5. Some characteristics of ovarium of Trematodes famale Echinostomatidae // Global communication and international scieutific jornal. 2010, No. 2 (3). P. 75-79 (Netherland). 6. Electron microscopic study of male gametes of the trematode Echinostoma revolutum (Frochlich, 1802). - Periodic international scientific bulletin. Prospects for innovation in economics and business, Czech Republic, Prague. 7. Ultrastructure of spermatozoa of the trematode hypoderaeum conoideum (trematoda: echynostomatidae). “Biodiversity and sustainable development of nature and society” International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the 75th anniversary of the Faculty of Biology. Part 2. Almaty “Kazakh University” 2009. pp. 65-68. 8. On the question of the structural and functional organization of the outer layer of trematode integument.// BULLETIN of KazNU Biological series. No. 4 (39)\ 2008. Page. 36-38 9. Features of the ultrastructural organization of the testes, seminal vesicle and prostatic gland of the trematode Hypoderaeum conoideum // Bulletin of KazNU named after Al-Farabi, biological series. No. 4. 2008. P.38-52 10. Electron microscopic study of the male reproductive system of the trematode Hypoderaeum conoideum. - Search. Izdenis. Natural and Technical Sciences Series. No. 4. 2008. P.50-67. 11. The role of the formation of the syncytial structure of the integumentary tissue in flatworms // Bulletin of KazNPU. Biological series. 2008. pp. 15-19. 12. On the question of the role of syncytial structures in the organs of parasitic and flatworms. – Proceedings of the international conference “Valikhanov Readings 13”. Kokshetau, 2007. P.69-75