AP19175752 “Scientific and technical support for energy saving and resource efficiency of the technology for the preparation of high-octane gasoline and aromatic hydrocarbons”
Implementation period: 17.05.2023-31.12.2025
The idea of the project is to ensure energy saving, resource efficiency, and productivity of the resources used. The study is devoted to the creation of an energy-saving and resource-efficient technology for the preparation of high-octane gasoline and aromatic hydrocarbons (a valuable product for petrochemicals) - catalytic reforming using mathematical modeling, as well as the development of an algorithm for energy saving and resource efficiency, taking into account the influence of the composition of raw materials on the catalytic reforming process. For this purpose, a mathematical model of the catalytic reforming production process will be created and an algorithm will be developed for conducting the process under consideration.
Project goal: Creation of scientific and technical support for energy saving and resource efficiency of technology for the preparation of high-octane gasoline and aromatic hydrocarbons, taking into account the influence of the composition of raw materials using the method of mathematical modeling.
Expected and achieved results
Results for the 1st year of research |
Based on the results of this project, 2 articles will be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals from the first three quartiles by impact factor in the Web of Science database and (or) have a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 50 - or at least 5 (five) articles and (or ) reviews in peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publications recommended by Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
Industrial studies of the processes of catalytic reforming of gasoline fractions were carried out to establish the composition and physicochemical characteristics of raw materials and products. |
Obtaining 1 copyright certificate of state registration of intellectual property rights (for a computer program).
A database is formed based on the initial data of the enterprise from the catalytic reforming unit. |
The development of scientific, technical and design documentation is not planned. |
Thermodynamic, kinetic and hydrodynamic patterns of reactions of catalytic reforming processes are established. |
It is planned to participate in international scientific conferences within the country and abroad in order to disseminate the results of the project among the scientific community. Publications will be made on the website of the organization/laboratory and on social networks and (or) the media to disseminate the results of the project to the general public.
Thermodynamic, kinetic and hydrodynamic patterns of chemical reactions are determined, taking into account the material and energy balance. |
The target consumers of the results obtained will be research organizations and scientists studying mathematical modeling in the field of oil refining and petrochemicals. Petrochemical enterprises will be both objects and consumers of this technology. The scope of the expected results is not limited to the oil and gas sector. This method can be adapted to different industry sectors. The knowledge gained will contribute to the development of the scientific school of modeling petrochemical processes and digital technologies. The economic effect will be realized through energy saving, resource efficiency, and improving the quality of the product. The environmental effect lies in the integrated use of natural resources. The presented project will provide an opportunity to stimulate and develop new ideas, technologies and start-ups in Kazakhstan in order to develop its own infrastructure for modeling petrochemical and other industries and get closer to such world leaders in scientific and technological progress as the countries of Europe and North America, China, South Korea, Japan . In this regard, this project and its expected results have deep scientific, technical and socio-economic significance for the country and the entire world community. |
Members of the research group:
Rizagul Muslimovna Dyusova 01.10.1992
Scientific director of the project |
Scientific degree/academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences |
Main place of work: NJSC "Toraighyrov University" |
Area of scientific interests: scientific direction - petrochemistry, oil refining, mathematical modeling, catalytic reforming. |
ResearcherID |
Scopus Author ID57202057606
https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57202057606 |
ORCID 0000-0003-3083-5255 |
List of publications:
1) G.R. Burumbaeva, R.M.Dyusova, G.Zh. Seitenova, E.N.Ivashkina. Modernization of the catalytic cracking process installation / Scientific journal of Satbayev University Bulletin of KazNRTU”. Technical science. – Almaty: publishing house of Satbayev University, 2018. No. 6 (130) November – P 314-320. https://vestnik.satbayev.university/index.php/journal/issue/view/43/42
2) R.M.Dyusova, G.R. Burumbaeva, G.Zh. Seytenova E.D. Ivanchina. Determination of the effectiveness of various technologies of the isomerization process by the method of mathematical modeling / Scientific journal of the Satbayev University “Bulletin of KazNRTU”. Technical science. – Almaty: publishing house of Satbayev University, 2018. No. 6 (130) November – P. 320-327. https://vestnik.satbayev.university/index.php/journal/issue/view/43/42
3) R.M.Dyusova, G.Zh. Seytenova E.D. Ivanchina, V.A. Chuzlov. Monitoring of catalytic reforming plant operation in case of balance of acid and metal activity of the catalyst / Scientific journal “Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University”, series technical sciences and technology. – Astana: publishing house of L.N. Gumilyov ENU., 2019. No. 1 (126) – P 28-31. https://bultech.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/69
4) G.R. Burumbaeva, R.M.Dyusova, G.Zh. Seitenova, E.N.Ivashkina. Development of technical solutions to increase the gasoline fraction and gas output in the technology of vacuum gas oil catalytic cracking / Scientific journal of Satbayev University “Bulletin of KazNRTU”. Technical science. – Almaty: publishing house of Satbayev University, 2019. No. 4. – P.118-125. https://vestnik.satbayev.university/index.php/journal/issue/view/47/46
5) G.R. Burumbaeva, R. M. Dyusova, G.Zh. Seitenova. Adaptation of the mathematical model of the catalytic cracking process to the actual model / Scientific journal “Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University”, series of chemistry, geography and ecology. – Astana: publishing house of L.N. Gumilyov ENU. 2019. No. 4 (129) – pp. 59-63. https://bulchmed.enu.kz/index.php/bulchmed/article/view/136/116
6) N.M.Onbaev, R.M.Dyusova, G.R.Burambaeva, G.Zh.Seitenova. Energy saving of a catalytic reforming installation using the method of mathematical modeling / Scientific journal “Bulletin of Toraighyrov University” of NJSC “Toraighyrov University”. Energetics series. – Pavlodar: Kereku Publishing House, 2020. No. 3. http://vestnik-energy.tou.edu.kz/storage/journals/126.pdf
7) G. Z. Seitenova, R. M. Dyusova, G. R. Burumbaeva, S. B. Umurzakova. Catalyst testing and selection in the reforming unit of the Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant. - Scientific journal “Bulletin of Toraighyrov University” NJSC “Toraighyrov University”, No. 4. 2020 http://vestnik-energy.tou.edu.kz/storage/journals/127.pdf
8) G.Z. Sejtenova, V.A. Chuzlov, G.Y. Nazarova, A.A. Kislinskaya, M.A. Elubaj, Dyussova R.M. Reduction of the quality reserve with the use of predictive models in the motor fuel production // Petroleum and Coal. – 2018. - 60 (3). – pp. 422-428; CiteScore - 0.5, percentile - 19.
9) G.Z. Sejtenova, E.D. Ivanchina, E.S. Chernyakova, I.V. Pchelintseva (Yakupova), Dyussova R.M. Industrial operation analysis of pt-re reforming catalyst at the industrial unit by predictive modeling method // Petroleum and Coal. – 2018. - 60 (3). – pp. 416-421; CiteScore - 0.5, percentile - 19.
10) G. Zh. Seitenova, Dyussova R.M., Chuzlov V.A., I.M. Dolganov, I.O. Dolganova, Increase in resource efficiency of motor gasoline production with the help of mathematical models // Petroleum and Coal. – 2019. – T. 61(1). – P. 58-63; CiteScore - 0.5, percentile - 19.
11) G. Zh. Seitenova, R.M. Dyussova, E. D. Ivanchina, V. A. Chuzlov, N. R. Ivanchin, A. Borissov,. Mathematical modeling of the process catalytic isomerization of light naphtha // Petroleum and Coal. – 2019. 12) 61 (2). – pp. 413-417. CiteScore - 0.5, percentile - 19. Citation - 1.
13) E. D. Ivanchina, V. A. Chuzlov, N. R. Ivanchin, A. Borissov, G. Zh. Seitenov, R. M. Dusova. Frame-Production Model of Petroleum Feedstocks Catalytic Processing for the Representation of Knowledge about Process. - Petroleum and Coal. - 2021. - 63(3). - pp. 668-673. CiteScore - 0.5, percentile - 19.
14) Dyusova R.M., Ivanchina E.D., V.A. Chuzlov Mathematical modeling of the process of isomerization of light alkanes at the Pavlodar Oil Refinery // Problems of geology and subsoil development: Proceedings of the XXI International Symposium named after Academician M.A. Usov students and young scientists. Volume II; TPU. – Tomsk: TPU Publishing House, 2017. – 1075 p.;
15) Dyusova R.M., E.D. Ivanchina, V.A. Chuzlov, G.Zh. Seitenova. Mathematical modeling of the isomerization process at Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant // Chemistry and chemical technology in the 21st century: materials of the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists, named after Professor L.P. Kuleva / TPU. - Tomsk: TPU Publishing House, 2017. - 557 p.;
16) Dyusova R.M., G.Zh. Seitenova, V.A. Chuzlov, E.D. Ivanchina. Forecasting the operation of a reforming unit at the Pavlodar Oil Refinery // Ⅷ All-Russian scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry. – Tomsk: Publishing House of the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, 2019;
17) Dyusova R.M., E.D. Ivanchina, A.Yu. Tyumentsev, U.N. Kopycheva, V.A. Chuzlov, G. Seitenova. The influence of the composition and quality of raw materials on the formulation and properties of the resulting motor fuels // Technology of oil and gas. – 2020 – №3.
18) Dyusova R.M., Seytenova G.Zh., Burumbaeva G.R. A.s. No. 4227 RK Computer program for calculating isomerization using “per pass” technology. (RK). – publ. 25.06.2019. – P.2;
19) Dyusova R.M., Seytenova G.Zh., Burumbaeva G.R. A.s. No. 4214 RK Computer program for calculating isomerization using technology with recycle for n-pentane and n-hexane. (RK). – publ. 25.06.2019. – P.2;
20) Burumbaeva G.R., Seytenova G.Zh., Dyusova R.M. A.c. No. 12201 RK Simulating computer program taking into account the deactivation of the catalyst in the catalytic cracking process. (RK). – publ. 28.09.2020. – P.2.
21) Burumbaeva G.R., Seytenova G.Zh., Dyusova R.M. A.c. No. 12232 Software simulator for the catalytic cracking process. (RK). – publ. 29.09.2020. – P.2.
22) R.M. Dyusova, G.Zh.Seitenova, A.A.Vats, Igembaev D.A., Tolymbekova L.B. A.s. No. 22911. Digital twin of a methyl tert-butyl ether production plant for training. (The Republic of Kazakhstan). - publ. 19.01.2022
23) Zhanakhutdinov B.G., Seitenova G.Zh., Dyusova R.M. Utility model patent No. 6057. Hydromechanical coupling. - 6.05.2021
24) R.M. Dyusova, G.R. Burumbaeva, G. Zh. Seitenova, A. c. No. 4215. Computer program for calculating the catalytic reforming process dated June 25, 2019.
25) R.M. Dyusova, G.R. Burumbaeva, G. Zh. Seitenov, Maralbaeva K.R. A.c. No. 12667. A computer simulation program for predicting the catalytic reforming process.
Gaini Zhumagalievna Seytenova, 25.10.1977
Scientific consultant |
Scientific degree/academic degree: Candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor |
Main place of work: NJSC "Toraighyrov University" |
Area of scientific interests: petrochemistry, oil refining, mathematical modeling, catalytic reforming. |
ResearcherID*P-6620-2017 |
Scopus Author ID*31067540200
https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=31067540200 |
ORCID*0000-0001-6202-3951 |
List of publications:
1) R.M. Dyusova, G.R. Burumbaeva, G.Zh. Seytenova, E.D. Ivanchina. Modernization of the catalytic cracking process installation // Bulletin of KazNRTU (technical series), No. 6, 2018 - pp. 314-319.
2) V.A. Chuzlov, R.M. Dyusova, G.Zh. Seytenova, E.D. Ivanchina. Monitoring of catalytic reforming unit operation in case of balance of acid and metal activity of the catalyst // Bulletin of ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov. Series “Engineering Sciences and Technologies” – No. 1(126)/2019 – pp. 28-31.
3) R.M. Dyusova, G.R. Burumbaeva, G.Zh. Seytenova, E.D. Ivanchina Determination of the effectiveness of various technologies of the isomerization process by the method of mathematical modeling // Bulletin of KazNRTU (technical series), No. 6, 2018 P. 320-327.
4) Sejtenova G., V.A. Chuzlov, E.D. Ivanchina, I.M. Dolganov. The Branched C5 - C6 Hydrocarbons Synthesis on Pt – Catalyst / CURRENT ORGANIC SYNTHESIS Том: 14 Выпуск: 3 Стр.: 332-341 Опубликовано: 2017.
5) Sejtenova G.,Belinskaya, Nataliya S.; Ivanchina, Emiliya D.; Ivashkina, Elena N.; и др. Studying Patterns of Synthesis of Low Freezing Distillates from Atmospheric Gasoil by Means of Mathematical Modelling/ CURRENT ORGANIC SYNTHESIS Том: 14 Выпуск: 3 Стр.: 365-371 Опубликовано: 2017. DOI: 10.2174/1570179413666161031124715
6) Prediction of residue coke content and operating modes of regenerator in the catalytic cracking technology.Nazarova, Galina ;Ivashkina, Elena ; Shafran, Tatyana ; Oreshina, Alexandra ; SeitenovaGaini. Petroleum science and technology, 2020-09-28, Vol.38 (24), p.1017-1025. DOI: 10.1080/10916466.2020.1825966
7) Calculation of the optimal blending component ratio by using mathematical modeling method.Chuzlov, VyacheslavA ;Nazarova, Galina Y ; Dolganov, Igor M ; Dolganova, Irena O ; Zh. SeitenovaGaini. Petroleum science and technology, 2019-05-19, Vol.37 (10), p.1170-1175.
8) Ivanchina, E.D., Chernyakova, E.S., Pchelintseva (Yakupova), I.V., SejtenovaG.Z.,Dyusova, R.M. Industrial operation analysis of Pt-Re reforming catalyst at the industrial unit by predictive modelling method // Petroleum and Coal – 2018- 60(3), с. 416-421.
9) Chuzlov, V.A., Nazarova, G.Y., Kislinskaya, A.A., Sejtenova G.Z.,Elubaj, M.A Reduction of the quality reserve with the use of predictive models in the motor fuel production//. Petroleum and Coal, 2018 – 60(3), с. 422-428.
10) Ivanchina, E.D., Ivashkina, E.N., Nazarova, G.Y., Seitenova G.Z. Influence of Feedstock Group Composition on the Octane Number and Composition of the Gasoline Fraction of Catalytically Cracked Vacuum Distillate // Petroleum Chemistry, 2018 - 58(3), с. 225-236. DOI: 10.1134/S0965544118030106
11) Chuzlov, V.A., Dolganov, I.M., Dolganova, I.O., Seitenova G.Z., Dusova, R.M.Increase in resource efficiency of motor gasoline production with the help of mathematical model. // Petroleum and Coal, 2019 – 61(1), с. 58-63.
12) Nazarova, G.Y., Ivashkina, E.N., Oreshina, A.A., (...), Seytenova G.Z.,Artcer, T.V.The quantity and amorphicity determination of oxidable coke on the Zeolite-Containing catalysts of cracking. // Petroleum and Coal, 2019 – 61(5), с. 1209-1213.
13) Nazarova, G., Ivashkina, E., Shafran, T., Seytenova G.Z.,Elubay, M., Dolganova, I. Kinetic non-reversibility of the cracking reactions and its accounting during mathematical modeling of industrial process. // Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019 – 1145(1),012055. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1145/1/012055
14) G. Zh. Seitenovа, R.M. Dyussova, E. D. Ivanchina, V. A. Chuzlov, N. R. Ivanchin, A. Borissov,. Mathematical modeling of the process catalytic izomerization of light naphtha / // Petroleum and Coal. – 2019. – 61 (2). – pp. 413-417.
15) Seytenova G.Z.,Nazarova, G.Y., Ivashkina, E.N., Ivanchina, E.D., Stebeneva, V.I. / Effect of Group Composition of the Vacuum Distillate from Heavy Kazakhstan and West Siberian Oil on the Yield of Light Fractions during the Catalytic Cracking // Procedia Engineering. – 2016 – 152, с. 18-24.DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.07.611